Ann Blaha

Ann Blaha
Are you saying, “Lord, Lord!” in vain? Is Jesus really your Lord, or are you still living according to your own will instead of taking up your cross and following Him?
Matt 7: 21-23 KJV
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity [continue in sin without repentance].

Ann Blaha

Ann Blaha
Satan is the author of confusion and today within Christendom there is greater confusion than ever before in its history. Every doctrine of the NT has become mass confusion because of the many interpretations placed on them.
It is difficult to define between the churches and the TRUE CHURCH of Jesus Christ. Not all churches are THE CHURCH. The church is not a denomination. The True Church is the true followers of Jesus Christ worldwide collectively.
The Church is supposed to be the conscience of the nation, but the churches have failed to take a stand for the truth and have fallen into compromise with the world. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. The churches walk hand in hand with the world, and who can tell the two apart?
The true church and the world can never be friends. The world is governed by Satan and the Church is governed by Jesus Christ. Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world. Only the true saints can discern between the worldly and the spiritual. The two do not mix, but most churches are trying to combine them.
Standing for pure truth will result in persecution. We are informed by scripture that all that live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.(2 Ti 3:12).
.Are we willing to stand for the truth and to endure the things that the Saints in the NT endured? We must be willing—we must resign ourselves totally to the will of the Father—doing the will of the Father and accepting His divine providence—whatever it may be.
In many nations of the world, Christians are suffering persecution and martyrdom. In the not too distant future, in our own homeland, the Saints are going to come under severe persecution, and many will be martyred for their testimony and for the sake of Christ.
Stand firm, brothers and sisters, without wavering. Let your light shine and may the Lord of glory be glorified.

God’s Full Armour

God’s Full Armour
3 OCTOBER 2018
WHY JERUSALEM Since 1948, when Israel was once again recognized as a nation, and settled in their country, we hear about Jerusalem almost every day in the news. The so-called Palestinians claim that Jerusalem was their city and that Israel has no claim to Jerusalem. Worst of all is that the whole world believes them. Look at the statements of world leaders. Even America’s leaders were too scared to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in the past. But now, President Trump acknowledged Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. There are a few other countries that followed America, but most countries are still on the side of the so-called Palestinians. Where does all this strife about Jerusalem comes from?
Here are a few passages of scripture that declare that the name of God is placed in Jerusalem. This is the biggest reason for this battle for Jerusalem. Satan wants to take over Jerusalem as a Jewish city, just because God put his name on Jerusalem. Now we can understand why the Palestinians make these false claims, because they are also a false nation, which never really existed as a nation until 1948 when Israel came about.
Then Zechariah follows in verse 12 verse 1-3 which says that God will use Jerusalem against the nations of the world. If we then see these things before our eyes, just as the Bible says, then we know the Bible is true.
1 KINY 11:36
“And to his son I will give one tribe, so that my servant David will always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem, the city which I chose to establish my name there.”
2 Kings 21: 4
“And he built altars in the house of the LORD, of which the LORD said, In Jerusalem I will establish my name.” 2Kon 21: 7
“He also made a graven image of Asherah made by him in the temple, of which the LORD said to David and Solomon his son, In this house and in Jerusalem, which I chose from all the tribes of Israel, will I establish my name forever “.
2 Kon. 23:27
“And the LORD said, I will remove Judah from my sight, as I have removed Israel; and I will reject this city Jerusalem, whom I have chosen, and the house of which I have said, My name shall be there.
2Chron 6: 6
“But I chose Jerusalem, that my name might be there, and I chose David to be over my people Israel.”
2 Chronicles 33: 4 “Also built altars in the house of the LORD, of which the LORD said, In Jerusalem shall my name be forever.
2 Chronicles 33: 7
“He also made a graven idol that he made in the house of God, of which God said to David and Solomon his son, In this house and in Jerusalem which I chose from all the tribes of Israel, I will forever establish my name. ”
Zechariah 12: 1-3
“The burden. The word of the LORD concerning Israel. The LORD speaketh, Who spreadeth out the heavens, And doth the foundation of the earth, And maketh the spirit of man in his midst:
Behold, I will make Jerusalem round about all the people into a cup of indignation, and against Judah it will be during the siege against Jerusalem.
And in that day I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples: every one who picks up will surely hurt him with it; and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered against it.

Stephen Thomas

Stephen Thomas
Waiting Can Be Difficult
By: Darlene Revell
WAIT on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: WAIT I say on the Lord…Rest in the Lord and WAIT PATIENTLY for Him…Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer…knowing that tribulation worketh PATIENCE; and PATIENCE experience; and experience, hope…And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have WAITED for Him, and He will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation…Psalm 27:14, 37:7, Romans 12:12, 5:3b, 4, Isaiah 25:9 Most people that know me know that I am a pretty patient person, but in some situations, I can be pretty impatient. Often, I lose patience with some people. Of course, I grin and bear it, but inside I am not so calm as my demeanor may appear. I am human! Yup, I experience all of those same emotions that every one else does, but I have a stop gap installed inside that helps to control my human emotions. I don’t always want to wait, but the Holy Spirit calms me so that I am able to do it more easily and with practice I am getting much better in my old age! HEE HEE!
Just one of the small things that I am waiting on right now is for a couple of my butterfly chrysalis to enclose! Enclose in butterfly talk means to OPEN! Sounds like it should be the opposite, but it is not. To enclose in the butterfly world means OPEN! I am learning. Sometimes these things don’t happen in OUR time. We may think we know when it will happen, but in the case of most butterflies that chrysalis late in the summer or early fall, you may as well sit back and wait, because most of them will overwinter. In other words, they won’t enclose until NEXT spring. So, in this case you may as well wait and let nature take her course. I am learning!
Another thing that is hard to wait on is people, yup those unpredictable human beings. Ever had someone in your life that was NEVER on time? Sure, you have! I am an early bird EVERYWHERE that I go and thankfully so is my hubby. No matter where we go we always end up being there early. I like early! I have someone in my life, and she knows who she is, that is nearly late for EVERYTHING. I tease her now and again about being late for her own funeral. Yup, there have been times when my patience has plum worn out waiting for her, so I had to set down some ground rules; you get there on time or shortly thereafter or I am leaving! She has ALWAYS been that way and it always amazed me that she could actually get to work ON TIME! HEE HEE! Yes, I do lose my patience with some people, but that is because I am a ONTIMER! Sometimes waiting for the answer to our prayers can be difficult, but we have to be patient and, in our patience, we learn to wait on God and let Him do things the RIGHT way in HIS time. His timing is always perfect, unlike our timing. Sometimes we try to jump ahead because we can’t wait and we make a huge mess of things. Ever done that? I bet we all have! I will put myself right in that boat along with everyone else, but by messing up I have learned some valuable lessons. One of those lessons is that some things just can’t be rushed and that you can’t put a time limit on God! He knows what he is doing!
Just imagine for a minute how very patient our God is with us imperfect little lumps of clay! As hard as we may try we can’t ever begin to match the level of patience that He has. He watches us stumble over and over again, yet He patiently waits and watches as we learn to walk. We have to learn to fall before we can learn to stand and He knows exactly what it takes to get us up and walking. As we face different situations and seasons in our lives He waits and works within to make us what He wants us to be and believe me that certainly takes time. Sometimes it takes a lifetime for us to become exactly what He wants us to be. If God can wait on us, we can certainly learn not only to wait on those slow pokes in our lives, but we can learn to just be still when He says WAIT. Yes, my precious friends, God has it all worked out and He knows what He is doing. Just WAIT and allow Him to work things out HIS way! (May you be) Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all PATIENCE and LONGSUFFERING with JOY…Colossians 1:11
As a little foot note, there are probably some folks out there that get impatient with me, but that is OKAY, God is still working on me! Some things just take a little more time than others, as do people!
With much love and many prayers, IN HIM, still waiting, patiently? Dar

Stephen Thomas

Stephen Thomas
Words to Ponder
Looking down at planet earth from a satellite or the international space station is a magnificent sight. The beauty and serenity is without question but when you have boots on the ground, so to speak, planet earth can paint a very different picture. We see war, death, destruction, disease, poverty, hunger, arrogance, abuse, terror, sickness, substance abuse, murder, hate, anger, pride, and the list goes on … We need to understand that our Almighty God has had boots on the ground. He is our God who lived on this planet and His perfect plan is redemption for those who trust in Jesus the Christ and not the god of this perishing world … and best of all, Jesus the Christ is coming to take us home with Him soon !!!. We need to share this blessed hope … while time we have …