2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. 5 Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience, 7 in which you yourselves once walked when you lived in them. 8 But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth.

Steve Hammer

Steve Hammer
Eagles remain in their nests until their age of
Maturity. Many eagles recognize this and
embrace their transition but many fail to
recognize this season and are driven out of
their place of comfort by force.
I believe we can recognize those seasons of
transitions if we are walking in close
fellowship with the Father, However if we are
caught up with the cares of life and
distractions we will soon be faced with
sudden and unexpected events that result in
forceful shifts in our lives but is still the
ultimate plan of our Heavenly Father.
# EndTimeHeadlines # Transition # Shift
# Newbeginnings

Bill Marshall

Bill Marshall
You embraced your cross to redeem the
world. Help me to embrace the crosses in
my life; the hardships, struggles,
disappointments, and pain. Only by
recognizing my own weakness, can I
discover your strength.
Philippians 4:13 (The Message) Whatever I
have, wherever I am, I can make it through
anything in the One who makes me who I

Steve Hammer

Steve Hammer
“The coming revival must begin with a
great revival of prayer. It is in the closet,
with the door shut, that the sound of
abundance of rain will first be heard. An
increase of secret prayer with ministers will
be the sure harbinger of blessing.” –
Andrew Murray

Steve Hammer

Steve Hammer
Tell Them of Jesus
Do you want arguments for soul winning?
Look up to Heaven, and ask yourself how
sinners can ever reach those harps of gold
and learn their everlasting song, unless they
have someone to tell them of Jesus, who is
mighty to save. But the best argument of all
is to be found in the wounds of Jesus. You
want to honor Him, you desire to put many
crowns upon His head, and this you can best
do by winning souls for Him. These are the
spoils that He covets, these are the trophies
for which He fights, these are the jewels that
shall be His best adornment.
My dear friends, you must keep up a tender,
close walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. There
are many of us who lose our peace by our
un-tender walk; something or other gets in
betwixt Christ and us, and we fall into
G. Whitefield
Charmain E Hoo

Steve Hammer

Steve Hammer
With a weak faith and a fearful heart many a
sinner stands before the altar. But it is not
the strength of his faith, but the perfection of
the Sacrifice that saves; and no feebleness of
faith, no dimness of eye, no trembling of
hand, can change the efficacy of our Burnt-
offering. The vigour of our faith can add
nothing to it, nor can the poverty of it take
anything from it. Faith, in all its degrees, still
reads the inscription, “The blood of Jesus
Christ his Son cleanseth us from all
sin” (1John 1:7); and if at times the eye is
so dim that it cannot read these words,
through blinding tears or bewildering mist,
faith rests itself on the certain knowledge of
the fact that the inscription is still there, or at
least that the blood itself (of which these
words remind us) remains, in all its power
and suitableness, upon the altar unchanged
and uneffaced. God says that the believing
man is justified; who are we, then, that we
should say, “We believe, but we do not know
whether we are justified”? What God has
joined together, let not man
put asunder!
The Everlasting Righteousness God ~ by
Horatius Bonar

Steve Hammer

Steve Hammer
“Though He were a Son, yet learned He
obedience by the things which He suffered.”
— Hebrews 5:8
We are told that the Captain of our salvation
was made perfect through suffering, therefore
we who are sinful, and who are far from
being perfect, must not wonder if we are
called to pass through suffering too. Shall
the head be crowned with thorns, and shall
the other members of the body be rocked
upon the dainty lap of ease? Must Christ
pass through seas of His own blood to win
the crown, and are we to walk to heaven
dryshod in silver slippers? No, our Master’s
experience teaches us that suffering is
necessary, and the true-born child of God
must not, would not, escape it if he might.
But there is one very comforting thought in
the fact of Christ’s “being made perfect
through suffering”-it is, that He can have
complete sympathy with us. “He is not an
high priest that cannot be touched with the
feeling of our infirmities.” In this sympathy of
Christ we find a sustaining power. One of the
early martyrs said, “I can bear it all, for
Jesus suffered, and He suffers in me now; He
sympathizes with me, and this makes me
strong.” Believer, lay hold of this thought in
all times of agony. Let the thought of Jesus
strengthen you as you follow in His steps.
Find a sweet support in His sympathy; and
remember that, to suffer is an honourable
thing-to suffer for Christ is glory. The
apostles rejoiced that they were counted
worthy to do this. Just so far as the Lord
shall give us grace to suffer for Christ, to
suffer with Christ, just so far does He honour
us. The jewels of a Christian are his
afflictions. The regalia of the kings whom
God hath anointed are their troubles, their
sorrows, and their griefs. Let us not,
therefore, shun being honoured. Let us not
turn aside from being exalted. Griefs exalt us,
and troubles lift us up. “If we suffer, we shall
also reign with Him.”

Glad Tidings Tabernacle

Glad Tidings Tabernacle
In the apostle Peter’s first letter, he told the followers of Jesus, “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing. . . . For, ‘whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it’ ” (1 Peter 3:9–11). The psalmist David wrote, “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips” (Ps. 141:3). That’s a great prayer for the beginning of each day and in every situation when we want to strike back with words. Lord, guard our words today so we may not harm others by what we say.
Father, teach us first to guard our hearts so that we may guard our tongues. And help us, when we do say things we regret, to humbly apologize and seek forgiveness.
The tongue has the power of life and death. Proverbs 18:21

Voice of the dying Church

For the Messiah to reign on the throne of david, as was promised to the jews in the old testament, satan must have his hour too… his hour and his occultic king for the world is antichrist. But for him to make an appearance, the world must be made ready. Allice bailey received the instruction of how to bring in a new world order, more than 100 years ago.. for this to happen, front organizations must be formed to change society’s mind…the old world order must be done away with..God’s order built on biblical principals, a christian culture, must be done away with…Many front organizations has come onto the scene to tackle this. They work for the environment…to save nature…they have brought in eastern yoga practices…new age ideas…its now everywhere accepted by society. Theyve gone so far now to make homosexualism acceptable to society. Many hollywood actors and actresess and singers is employed as change agents. They have put change agents into schools… everywhere in leader positions. They’ve infiltrated churches. That was their most wanted place. They put satan’s preachers on the pulpits…on the political scene they were the liberal opposition..against the old order…and slowly but surely they gained the minds and hearts of the voters.. they want a different world the one we were used to till now. They want a different peace real peace… they want to unite the world for a one world religion, one world economy with a one world leader, their man of the day. God said in acts 17 that nationhood is His will, borders is His will for our protection. The liberals want all this to be done away with…they want to divide the world into new economic blocks. This is the reason for all the wars. I just cant take your house and income from you…thats not right…but thats what they want… to force the rich to share with the poor, THEY HAVE CREATED.. thats everywhere in the world today. Not God’s will. His will is explained in the bible. The liberals moved society away from biblical principals… beware of this. Cling to God and His principals in every sfere of life…

William Law

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you;
but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings -1 Peter 4:12-13~*
We take with solemn thankfulness ,Our burden up, not ask it less, And count it joy that even we . May suffer , serve, or wait for Thee, Whose will be done!
-John Greenleaf Whittier~ Receive every inward and outward trouble, every disappointment , pain , uneasiness, temptation, darkness desolation, with both hands , as a true opportunity and blessed occasion of dying to self, and entering into a fuller fellowship with thy self-denying , suffering Saviour. Look at no inward or other trouble in any view other thought about it , and then every kind of trial and distress will become the blessed day of thy prosperity. That state is best, which exerciseth the highest faith in, and fullest resignation to God. -William Law~*