God’s Full Armour

God’s Full Armour
Spiritual Growth
26. The Essential Ingredient
A child cannot grow up without love. Spiritual growth without love is also unthinkable. We talked about the DESIRE to grow this month. Where does it come from? Where does the strength and motivation of your spiritual growth process lie?
2 Corinthians 5:14, “For Christ’s love compels us…”
And this is where spiritual growth is so different from physical growth. I do not grow spiritually because I want to grow mature; I grow because I want to be small but make Jesus big in my life. His love took over in me. Why do I grow? Because I am not alone; there is Someone who is interested in my progress. Because there is a goal to work for.
Life only makes sense when Jesus is in it. He gives meaning to everything. My work and my sport and my circle of friends also create opportunities where people can see how meaningful life can be for someone who does not exist for himself or herself.
No, it is not so much about my love for Christ, but about His love for me and for every person around me and bringing love into my thoughts, intentions, and ambition. My view of every new day is not so much about what Jesus will mean to me today, but about what I am going to do for Him. I do not live anymore, but Christ lives in me.
I do not believe that Jesus was born on December 25th and therefore, I celebrate His birthday every day. And there is something else that is much more important than the day He was born and it is the question of whether He was born in your life and is growing in you and how He strengthens you. Is your life a portrayal of a mature person, of Jesus Christ, and His love for mankind?

J.C. Ryle

J.C. Ryle
Never Underestimate the Devil
Let it never surprise us, if we are tempted by the devil. Let us rather expect it, as a matter of course, if we are living members of Christ. The Master’s lot will be the lot of His disciples. That mighty spirit who did not fear to attack Jesus himself, is still going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. That murderer and liar who vexed Job, and overthrew David and Peter, still lives, and is not yet bound. If he cannot rob us of heaven, he will at any rate make our journey there painful. If he cannot destroy our souls, he will at least bruise our heels (Gen. 3:15). Let us beware of despising him, or thinking lightly of his power. Let us rather put on the whole armor of God, and cry to the Lord for strength. “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). ~ J.C. Ryle

Mark Byrd

I don’t see how some Christians that claim
to be of God feel that it’s ok to continue to
curse, it’s ok to jam worldly music, it’s ok
to do as the world just as long as you’re
behaving right, it’s ok to have a few drinks
for a night to have a little “fun.” (1 Tim
4:12, Colo. 3:8, Eph.4:29, Eph.4 5:18, Gal
5:19-21) My heart breaks for these people.
Because that is [NOT] ok! Jesus didn’t come
to save half of us, while our other half
continues to live like the world, no! (1 John
2:15, 2 Cor. 6:17, James 4:4) Jesus came
to SET US FREE from this world! (John 8:36)
He came to SET US FREE from sin! & that
doesn’t mean “now that I’m saved, I can do
what I want!” No! That’s all wrong!
(Heb.10:26, Rom.6) When we want to
change & live for God, when we confess that
He is Lord(1 John 1:9, Rom.10:9), we are
going from where we were to being [IN]
Christ. We are going from who we use to be,
to being a whole new being! A NEW creation!
(2 Cor.5:17) Meaning, ALL that we were, all
that we use to do is NO MORE! We are
leaving it behind! No longer are we a slave to
sin but a slave to the Spirit of God! Amen
thank You JESUS! ! (Rom 6:6, Rom 6:18,
Gal. 4:7) How do we get the idea that we
can do all these things that goes against
God while being [IN] Him? We can’t take all
that we use to be & take it with us when we
are stepping into Christ. That isn’t how it
works! Jesus said we must DENY ourselves!
Leave all that we are behind & pick up our
cross & follow Him! (Matt. 16:24) This flesh
of ours is weak! It wants nothing to do with
God. (Gal.5:17) It wants to do its own thing,
do as we please.. But the Spirit IS willing!
(Matt 24:41) If we aren’t spending time with
the Lord as we should be everyday, this flesh
will lead us into doing things that aren’t ok.
It’s so important to spend time with the
Lord, one on one, if we want to grow
spiritually. Spend time in prayer. Not just up
in the church house but get alone with Him,
daily. Ask Him to cleanse you of all that
isn’t of Him! Renew you’re mind every
morning! (Rom 12:2) Help you to overcome
them bad habits! Help you to grow
spiritually! To leave behind the old you! THIS
is who we should be, what we should be
saying when we are stepping INTO Christ!
Mark Byrd

Allison Olivier

Allison Olivier
My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive
words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power,
so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on Gods power.
-1 Cor. 2:4-5~
For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed , we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands -2 Cor. 5:1