Danger Of Pride Posted on March 11

Danger Of Pride
Posted on March 11
“Lord, my heart is not haughty,
nor my eyes lofty;
neither do I concern myself with
great matters,
nor with things too profound for
Psalm 131:1
Questions, questions, don’t we
all have questions!
But many of our questions meet
the response, “it’s none of your
business.” I’m reminded of Job,
and the questions he asked of
God as he suffered, and don’t we
all when we’re hurting? But
suffering does not give one the
right to question God. We do it
anyway, but are often met with
silence. Why?
When God answered Job, he said
to him, “first I’m going to ask
YOU a few questions.” Then he
went on to ask Job where HE
was when God laid the
foundations of the earth!
“Where were YOU when I
laid the foundations of the
Tell me, if you have
Who determined its
Job 38:4
Then God adds in a bit of
“Surely you know?”
The point throughout God’s
answer to Job was that an ant is
questioning a lion. There is no
way a human being can
understand the depths of the
wisdom of God. If your child
asked you to teach him calculus,
obviously that would be
impossible if he only knew
addition and subtraction. If your
child wanted to explain
something to his beloved pet
dog, how would he be able to?
Obviously it would be
And so it is with God. Through
his wisdom he created the world
and all that is in it. Through his
wisdom he holds it all together,
the solar systems, the galaxies.
He causes spring to follow winter
and summer to follow spring.
How does he do that? The
answer would be greater than a
human mind is capable of
The great physicists of the world
try to understand the deep things
of the creation, and He only
smiles at them, shaking his head
saying, “if only they knew how
vastly beyond their
understanding are the things I
have made.” They think
themselves brilliant when they
discover something, but they’ve
only progressed from addition
and subtraction to perhaps
multiplication. There is SO much
more, and a lot of it is beyond
their capability to fathom. God
has made it this way. He insists
on being God, and he insists on
our acceptance of being limited
human beings, accepting the
limitations God himself has put
within us.
And this is what this psalm is
saying, “I don’t concern myself
with things too profound for me,”
and it rests on the first part of
the verse, “my heart is not
haughty nor my eyes lofty;” In
other words, I am not filled with
pride, I am content to enjoy
whatever you are content to
show me, and I won’t go beyond
that. I understand that my
understanding is limited, and that
that is the way you want it,
because should I venture too
deeply into things you’re not
willing to reveal, I run the risk of
becoming proud and forgetting
that you are God and I am just a
created being.
“The secret things belong to
the Lord our God,
but those things which are
revealed belong to us and
to our children forever…”
Deuteronomy 29:29
And that’s where we need to
leave it. The things God wants to
keep secret, we must leave secret
and be happy with that, trusting
our heavenly Father has all
things under his control. Does a
young child not completely trust
his father? The child knows that
the answer to most questions is
“because Dad said so.” Jesus
said we need to become as
children when we come to him.
(Matthew 18:3)
God loves humility. And when a
person’s heart is right before
him, then he will be shown things
he never dreamed of:
“Call to me, and I will
answer you,
and show you great and
mighty things, which you do
not know.”
Jeremiah 33:3
Contrast that with the great
physicists who even now are
going far beyond what is
allowed. At CERN, a facility in
Switzerland dedicated to the
false god Shiva where they have
built the largest and most
complicated machine in the
world, seventeen miles long and
far below the surface of the
earth, they are trying to reach
into “other dimensions.” We live
in time and space, but there are
other dimensions we have not
been granted access to by the
Creator, and these mere men are
determined to reach into them.
They have been sternly warned
by top physicists that they are
going into something very
dangerous which could terribly
affect or even destroy this
There were angels in the distant
past who tried to do the same
thing, and brought terrible
judgment upon themselves:
“And the angels which kept
not their first estate,
but left their own habitation,
he has reserved in
everlasting chains under
unto the judgment of the
great day.” Jude 6
They have concerned themselves
“with great matters, and with
things too profound,” and this
has brought the wrath of God
onto them.
Brothers and sisters, perhaps the
most important virtue one can
have is humility. When one
surrenders himself to God and
keeps in mind that HE is Lord
and we are NOT, then he’ll be in
a place to receive from God what
HE is willing to reveal. But
further than that we must not
ever go.
Pride caused the fall of Satan.
Pride will cause the fall of
anyone refusing to humble
himself before the great God.
Humble yourself therefore before
God and be willing to accept
what he chooses not to reveal,
and you will find that he is
delighted then to show you
“great and mighty things, which
you do not know.”

David C. Cooke

David C. Cooke
Vance Havner Quote “The fact that the gospel
is not popular is all the more reason for
preaching it. The very fact that men cannot
endure sound doctrine is all the more reason
for seeking that they get it. It is not our
responsibility to make it acceptable; it is our
duty to make it available.”
1st Timothy 4:2-4″Preach the Word ,be
instant in season ,out of season,reprove,
rebuke ,exhort with all longsuffering and
doctrine.For the time will come when they
will not endure sound doctrine: but after their
own lusts shall they heap to themselves
teachers,having itchings ears.And they shall
turn away their ears from the truth,and shall
be turned unto fables.”WE MUST BE TRUE

Nancy Paul Cote

Since the Counter-Reformation, the Jesuits
have fought to end Protestantism. Today,
churches from all denominations are back
under the authority of Rome. Most churches
no longer protest – and thus, are no longer
Protestant. In fact, many church leaders flew
to the Vatican, to kiss the Popes feet. Guy
Fawkes would be proud!
The Jesuit controlled Vatican is the driving
force behind globalism. Former Pope John
Paul II – was a walking billboard for
ecumenism. Throughout his pontificate, he
was deeply involved in interfaith dialogue and
activities. He was a magnet at drawing
heathen religious leaders to St. Peter’s
Square. And the world loved him, because he
had a profound reverence for false religions.
JP2’s affection for other religions was
manifested by his visits to every kind of
temple, shrine, sacred grove, and holy cave.
He kissed the Quran, took part in a Voodoo
ritual, prayed with African animist, received
the mark of the goddess Shiva on his
forehead, and was even initiated into Zen
Buddhism. During the ecumenical council of
Assisi, JP2 made sure that each false
religion would have their own special room to
worship the devil; with all Christian
symbolism removed. Although JP2 is dead,
the ecumenical agenda has grown under the
papacy of Pope Benedict nicknamed “God’s
Rottweiler” and Jesuit Pope Francis.
Another major force behind ecumenism is the
subversive power of music. Music is
ecumenical; as it primarily influences
emotions. When people go to rock-concerts,
everyone shares the same experience, which
creates unity. In his “coexist” campaign,
Bono from the popular Irish rock band U2,
got crowds to sing along to the mantra,
“Jesus, Jew, Mohammad – all true.” Thus,
Bono believes that the Talmud and Quran are
as holy and true as the Bible. This is what
pastor Billy Graham preached as well.
American songwriter Doen Moen said, “I’ve
discovered that worship music is trans-
denominational, trans-cultural. It bridges any
denomination. Twenty years ago there were
many huge divisions between denominations.
Today I think the walls are coming down. In
any concert that I do, I will have 30-50
different churches represented.”
According to the Zodiac, we are at the
dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Aleister
Crowley called this the Aeon of Horus. In
Freemasonry, Horus is the androgynous child
of Isis and Osiris; and thus this epoch is
marked by transgenderism, miscegenation,
spiritual relativism, and religious pluralism.
To these dark-occultists, Jesus is nothing
more than an outdated Fish-avatar of the
Age of Pisces. And thus, the world will be
given the ultimatum to accept the new
Aquarian Messiah or die!
New Age activist Barbara Marx Hubbard
teaches that those who don’t make the
quantum leap in consciousness need to be
annihilated. Speaking of those who resist the
New Age gospel, she says, “It is like watching
a cancer grow; something must be done
before the whole body is destroyed…The
destructive one fourth must be eliminated
from the social body.” Of course, the
cancerous one-fourth is an allusion to
Christians, who resist the spirit of the time.
Sharing a similar worldview, Neale Donald
Walsh declared, “Let me make something
clear. The era of a Single savior is over.
What is needed now it joint action, combined
effort, collective co-creation.”
In Mikhail Gorbachev famous book
Perestroika (a blue-print for a one world
government) he states that there are 3
primary causes to war on Earth: political,
economic, and religious conflicts. Gorbachev
believes we must eradicate these conflicts by
having a global government, a world
economy, and one universal religion. He also
states: “We must extirpate all genocide,
apartheid and religious exclusiveness.”
Another dark-occultist Alice Bailey, whose
main source of “insight” was her spirit guide,
Djwhal Khul, stated: “The day is dawning
when all religions will be regarded as
emanating from one great spiritual source;
all will be seen as unitedly providing the one
root out of which the universal world religion
will inevitably emerge. Then there will be
neither Christian nor heathen, neither Jew nor
Gentile, but simply one great body of
believers, gathered out of all the current
religions. They will accept the same truths,
not as theological concepts but as essential
to spiritual living…. Such a world religion is
no idle dream but something which is
definitely forming today.”
Clearly, the ecumenical movement is another
gospel. For how can people get saved, if they
believe that Hare Krishna, Buddha, and David
Koresh are equal to Jesus Christ? Jesus said
“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man
cometh unto the Father, but by me (John
14:6).” But the ecumenists reject that; and
thus they reject Jesus Christ! Surely, they
would have cried: “crucify Jesus, and save
Barabbas”. True Bible-believing Christians
will not discard truth for unity. In the Gospel
of John, we learn that “God is a Spirit: and
they that worship him must worship him in
spirit and in truth (John 4:24).” ~ Jonathan
D Hoegle

Antonio Lydia Gonzalez

Antonio Lydia Gonzalez
David Jeremiah, Joel Osteen, TD Jakes,
Joyce Myers, Benny Hinn, Creflo Odollar, I’ ll
be here all night even Charles Stanley all
preach the same garbage that if you accept
Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior you are
saved! Liars!(1Cor6;9) Do not be deceived!
No fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, gays,
sodomites, (10) thieves, revilers, extortioners
will enter the kingdom of God. (Romans2;9)
Tribulation and anguish on every soul who
does evil.(Matthew 5:29) if your eye causes
you to sin cut it off and cast it from you for
its better to enter the kingdom of God with
one less eye than be thrown to hell with both!
(Luke13;3) if you don’t repent of your sins
you will lose your soul Jesus Christ told His
disciples! (Hebrews 10;26) If wesin willfully
after understanding the truth their no longer
remains a sacrifice for sins.(1John3;9)
Whoever has been born of God does not sin,
for His seed remains in him and he cannot
sin for he has truly been born of God. You
can believe all these false preachers who do
not dare speak accurately about sins, or you
can listen to Jesus Christ, Paul, Peter, John
and what Scripture says your choice!

JoAnn N Alan

JoAnn N Alan
Do I only serve God when I am in good
company, or when religion is profitable and
respectable? Do I love the Lord only when
temporal comforts are received from His
hands? If so I am a base hypocrite, and like
the withering rush, I shall perish when death
deprives me of outward joys. But can I
honestly assert that when bodily comforts
have been few, and my surroundings have
been rather adverse to grace than at all
helpful to it, I have still held fast my
integrity? then have I hope that there is
genuine vital godliness in me. The rush
cannot grow without mire, but plants of the
Lord’s right hand planting can and do
flourish even in the year of drought. A godly
man often grows best when his worldly
circumstances decay. He who follows Christ
for his bag is a Judas; they who follow for
loaves and fishes are children of the devil;
but they who attend Him out of love to
Himself are His own beloved ones.
Lord, let me find my life in Thee, and not in
the mire of this world’s favour or gain.
Charles Spurgeon

JoAnn N Alan

JoAnn N Alan
“It is a great comfort to true believers,
that Jesus Christ knows their faith, and
is well pleased with it. Though it be
weak, though others do not discern it,
though they themselves are ready to
question it, it is known to Him.” –
Matthew Henry and Charles Spurgeon

JoAnn N Alan > Charles Haddon Spurgeon

JoAnn N Alan > Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Prince of Preachers
We are prepared, I hope, to die for the
doctrine of justification by faith, and to assert
before all adversaries that salvation is not of
works; but we also confess that we are
justified by a faith which produces works,
and if any man has a faith which does not
produce good works, it is the faith of devils.
Saving faith appropriates the finished work of
the Lord Jesus, and so saves by itself alone,
for we are justified by faith without works;
but the faith which is without works cannot
bring salvation to any man.
We are saved by faith without works, but not
by a faith that is without works, for the real
faith that saves the soul works by love and
purifies the character.
C.H. Spurgeon – The Soul Winner

Paula Maillet

Paula Maillet
Daily Devotional – March 10
The Heartbreak Of Sudden Trauma
“My days are past, my purposes are broken
even the thoughts of my heart.”
Job 17:11
Anyone who has had sudden, overwhelming
trauma knows the hopelessness that takes
over. They are convinced that they will never
again have a happy day in life. They don’t
want to hear what their “comforters” have to
say, because they are convinced their life has
ended and that they will know only sorrow
until they die, reminiscent of Jacob when his
sons brought him Joseph’s blood-stained
coat. Unexpected suffering wrings the soul
inside out. It smothers the very life of the
How to comfort such a one?
You can’t. But you can pray for the healing of
the broken heart, you can pray for strength,
you can pray for restoration, and you can
pray for grace, that they be given the grace
and strength to walk through those days
without being destroyed. And most of all, you
can pray that in their sorrow they will come
to know the Lord in a deeper way than
they’ve ever known him before. You can pray
that they will experience HIM, and that in
experiencing HIM they will be healed.

Nancy Paul Cote

Nancy Paul Cote
“God is love!” is NOT the TOTALITY of the
Gospel…and it is not REMOTELY enough to
be presented as a SERMON…it is not
ENOUGH of a MESSAGE…enough
TRUTH…by which the Church can GROW and
MATURE in Christ…enabling us to “earnestly
contend for the faith.”
You see:
Jesus NEVER commanded His DISCIPLES to
PREACH love…He told them TO love.
Remember the words of Paul:
Ephesians 4:14-15 that we should no longer
be children, tossed to and fro and carried
about with every wind of doctrine, by the
trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of
deceitful plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth
in love, may grow up in all things into Him
who is the head—Christ—
What did Jesus preach…and what did He
command US to preach?
Luke 24:44-47 Then He said to them, “These
are the words which I spoke to you while I
was still with you, that all things must be
fulfilled which were written in the Law of
Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms
concerning Me.” 45 And He opened their
understanding, that they might comprehend
the Scriptures.
46 Then He said to them, “Thus it is written,
and thus it was necessary for the Christ to
suffer and to rise from the dead the third day,
47 and that repentance and remission of sins
should be preached in His name to all
nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Then…we discover this in the Book of
Revelation…as Jesus appeared to John on
the Isle of Patmos…and…as Jesus came to
do one thing:
Speak to the CHURCH.
And…when He did…He REBUKED 5 out of 7
churches…telling them to REPENT.
5 out of 7:
Quite a percentage there!
Jesus would basically tell them one thing:
Does anyone reading here know what the
NUMBER ONE theme found in Scripture
is…based on SUBJECT MATTER?
It has been studied…and it was found to be
Warnings regarding FALSE PROPHETS and
regarding FALSE TEACHERS and their FALSE
From Old Testament to New Testament…mor
e is said about this ONE subject than any
OTHER subject.
The PRIMARY theme of Scripture…BEYOND
the coming of a Savior…is that we MUST
understand one VERY crucial thing:
d Satan will send FALSE messiahs…FALSE
teachers…and he will SEDUCE people into
believing LIES.
That is the CRUX of Scripture…teaching us to
grow in KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM so we
may be able to DISCERN what is TRUE and
what is FALSE.
Yes…Jesus LOVES us…but how can I
DISCERN the difference in GODLY love and
SATANIC seduction?
That is what is CRUCIAL to our
EXISTENCE…and it is CRUCIAL to our
Folks…it is not ENOUGH to be LOVED by
God…allowing us to simply walk through life
being LOVED.
We are called to CONTEND for the FAITH…to
Be sure…Satan is EARNESTLY contending for
CONTINUE ON within the Church.
It often seems he is WINNING.
The VAST majority of churches are
SEDUCED by the HARLOT gospel.
Yet…THEY believe they are SUCCESSFUL…”r
elevant”…and even “evangelistic.”
How FAR they “God is love!” is not
REMOTELY the TOTALITY of the Gospel…and
it is not REMOTELY enough to be presented
as a SERMON…it is not ENOUGH of a
MESSAGE…enough TRUTH…by which the
Church can GROW and MATURE in
Christ…enabling us to “earnestly contend for
the faith.”
You see:
Jesus NEVER commanded His DISCIPLES to
PREACH love…He told them TO love.
Remember the words of Paul:
Ephesians 4:14-15 that we should no longer
be children, tossed to and fro and carried
about with every wind of doctrine, by the
trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of
deceitful plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth
in love, may grow up in all things into Him
who is the head—Christ—
What did Jesus preach…and what did He
command US to preach?
Luke 24:44-47 Then He said to them, “These
are the words which I spoke to you while I
was still with you, that all things must be
fulfilled which were written in the Law of
Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms
concerning Me.” 45 And He opened their
understanding, that they might comprehend
the Scriptures.
46 Then He said to them, “Thus it is written,
and thus it was necessary for the Christ to
suffer and to rise from the dead the third day,
47 and that repentance and remission of sins
should be preached in His name to all
nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Then…we discover this in the Book of
Revelation…as Jesus appeared to John on
the Isle of Patmos…and…as Jesus came to
do one thing:
Speak to the CHURCH.
And…when He did…He REBUKED 5 out of 7
churches…telling them to REPENT.
5 out of 7:
Quite a percentage there!
Jesus would basically tell them one thing:
Does anyone reading here know what the
NUMBER ONE theme found in Scripture
is…based on SUBJECT MATTER?
It has been studied…and it was found to be
Warnings regarding FALSE PROPHETS and
regarding FALSE TEACHERS and their FALSE
We are CONSTANTLY warned about
being led astray by OTHERS.
From Old Testament to New Testament…mor
e is said about this ONE subject than any
OTHER subject.
The PRIMARY theme of Scripture…BEYOND
the coming of a Savior…is that we MUST
understand one VERY crucial aspect of
d Satan will send FALSE messiahs…FALSE
teachers…and he will SEDUCE people into
believing LIES.
That is the CRUX of Scripture…teaching us to
grow in KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM so we
may be able to DISCERN what is TRUE and
what is FALSE.
Yes…Jesus LOVES us…but how can we
DISCERN the difference in GODLY love and
SATANIC seduction?
That is what is CRUCIAL to our
EXISTENCE…and it is CRUCIAL to our
Folks…it is not ENOUGH to be LOVED by
God…allowing us to simply walk through life
being LOVED.
We are called to CONTEND for the FAITH…to
Be sure…Satan is EARNESTLY contending for
those SAME souls…using DECEPTION and
DELUSION…urging “leadership to CONTINUE
INDULGENCE within the Church.
It often seems he is WINNING.
The VAST majority of churches are
SEDUCED by the HARLOT gospel.
Yet…THEY believe they are SUCCESSFUL…”r
elevant”…and even “evangelistic.”
Sound familiar?
Revelation 3:15-21 “I know your works, that
you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you
were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you
are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,[g] I
will vomit you out of My mouth. 17 Because
you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy,
and have need of nothing’—and do not know
that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind,
and naked— 18 I counsel you to buy from Me
gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich;
and white garments, that you may be clothed,
that the shame of your nakedness may not
be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye
salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I
love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be
zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the
door and knock. If anyone hears My voice
and opens the door, I will come in to him and
dine with him, and he with Me. 21 To him
who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on
My throne, as I also overcame and sat down
with My Father on His throne.”
No one TRULY “evangelizes” the LOST
without CALLING them to REPENTANCE.
In TRUTH…we MUST preach MORE than
“God loves you!”…or we preach no TRUTH at
all. ~ Ron Smith