​A little humor:

A little humor:

A Rabbi was meditating on Psalm 90:4 and

said to the LORD; ‘LORD, can I ask you a

question?’ and the LORD said ‘Sure’.

The Rabbi asked ‘LORD what is your concept

of time?’ and the LORD replied ‘One second

is as a million years, and a million years as

one second’.

The Rabbi thought “Hmm that’s interesting”

and said ‘LORD, can I ask you another

question’ and the LORD replied ‘Sure’.

The Rabbi asked ‘LORD what is your concept

of money?’ and the LORD replied ‘One cent is

as a million dollars, and a million dollars as

one cent’.

The Rabbi thought “Hmm that’s interesting”

and said ‘LORD, can I ask you one more

question’ and the LORD replied ‘Sure’.

The Rabbi asked ‘Lord, can I have one cent?’

and the LORD replied ‘Sure, just give me one


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