​God’s Full ArmourPROPHETIC UPDATE21 October 2017 Deception on a grand scale

God’s Full Armour


21 October 2017 Deception on a grand scale

What is the greatest sign of the last days? Of course, we know that Israel is the greatest sign, but when we think about Israel it is more in terms of the greatest prophecy which will be fulfilled in the last days. When we talk about signs, however, the most important one is DECEPTION.

When the disciples ask in Matt. 24:3 when these things will happen, and what the signs of the end of the age will be, the first thing Jesus mentions is, “Take heed that no one deceives you.” When Paul talks about the coming of the Antichrist in 2 Thess. 2, he says that he will come with “lying wonders and unrighteous deception” (2 Thess. 2:9,10). When Paul talks about the reason why Timothy must preach the sound doctrine of the word, he says that a time will come when people will preach strange myths (2 Tim. 4:4).

Has this time come? Are we in the time of great deception now? Name any big and famous universities in the western world, in any European country, or in any country which has developed out of western civilization, and we can name a university which has developed from Christian values as a beacon of the truth, the Bible and the gospel. Oxford’s emblem and motto is still, today, “The Lord is my light,” with the words written on a Bible. But this week “The Times of London” reported with glee that a Christian group was banned from continuing with their normal activities on the campus. Why? Because they are alienating most people with their “narrow-minded” ideas.

A few years ago Dan Brown wrote “The Da Vinci Code” in which he questions the historical facts about Christ, and undermines the gospel. Many Christians defended him by saying it is just fiction which encourages independent thought. The same Dan Brown has continued to publish another four books which have sold 200 million copies altogether. His latest book was recently published: “Origin”, and here are a few quotes: “Humanity no longer needs God and may develop with artificial intelligence a new form of collective consciousness that fulfills the role of religion.” And what do you think is this “collective consciousness” which is to be the world’s new God? Of course! There is only one: It is the New World Order, liberalism, and one-world thinking, which will worship satan himself as God (Rev. 13).

He also says: “Our need for an exterior God that sits up there and judges us will diminish and eventually disappear.” And this rubbish is sold everywhere, even in Christian bookshops, where “The Shack” also had a large following, and it also proclaimed the same collective consciousness. Wake up. This is where our family’s and our children’s faith is ending up. This is what the Bible is warning us against – the very greatest sign of the last days.

The speed with which this alternative “religion” is appearing out of “artificial intelligence” is astounding. If we read the advertisements announcing conferences in any Western country’s newspaper month after month, we can see where our world’s new religion is worked out and offered to the people.

Listen to the sermons of the big name preachers in the USA. One was asked why he is making so little use of his Bible in his messages. His reply: We are preparing the youth for a world where the Bible will no longer have the place it used to, and then they must still be able to get their messages elsewhere.

This “theology” of modern times can be found everywhere. Parker, a “Christian” doctor, explained how he justifies performing abortions: “Alleviating needless suffering is a Christian’s sacred responsibility. If God is in everything and everyone, then God is as much in a woman making a decision to terminate her pregnancy as in her Bible.” This is the exact same theology of “The Shack”, Dan Brown, Oxford, Joel Osteen and Oprah Winfrey.

How do bank tellers recognize a fake bank note so quickly? They know the true one off-by-heart. We have written about that which is false today, but that will not really help us to unmask the false, satanic gospel of the last days. We must learn and learn and learn the right one and live out of it daily. There is only one gospel for our redemption, the power of God that Jesus revealed on the cross. In big parts of the western world, the rapture will not make much difference because there will be so few people who will meet their Lord in the air. Fight against satan by standing by the one gospel.

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