Oswald Chambers 

The Nature of ReconciliationBy Oswald Chambers
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. —2 Corinthians 5:21
Sin is a fundamental relationship— it is not wrong doing, but wrong being— it is deliberate and determined independence from God. The Christian faith bases everything on the extreme, self-confident nature of sin. Other faiths deal with sins— the Bible alone deals with sin. The first thing Jesus Christ confronted in people was the heredity of sin, and it is because we have ignored this in our presentation of the gospel that the message of the gospel has lost its sting and its explosive power.
The revealed truth of the Bible is not that Jesus Christ took on Himself our fleshly sins, but that He took on Himself the heredity of sin that no man can even touch. God made His own Son “to be sin” that He might make the sinner into a saint. It is revealed throughout the Bible that our Lord took on Himself the sin of the world through identification with us, not through sympathy for us. He deliberately took on His own shoulders, and endured in His own body, the complete, cumulative sin of the human race. “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us…” and by so doing He placed salvation for the entire human race solely on the basis of redemption. Jesus Christ reconciled the human race, putting it back to where God designed it to be. And now anyone can experience that reconciliation, being brought into oneness with God, on the basis of what our Lord has done on the cross.
A man cannot redeem himself— redemption is the work of God, and is absolutely finished and complete. And its application to individual people is a matter of their own individual action or response to it. A distinction must always be made between the revealed truth of redemption and the actual conscious experience of salvation in a person’s life.
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Am I learning how to use my Bible? The way to become complete for the Master’s service is to be well soaked in the Bible; some of us only exploit certain passages. Our Lord wants to give us continuous instruction out of His word; continuous instruction turns hearers into disciples.  Approved Unto God, 11 L

​Streams in the Desert – October 72017Oct 07

Streams in the Desert – October 7
2017Oct 07
Who is among you that feareth Jehovah, that obeyeth the voice of his servant? He that walketh in darkness and hath no light, let him trust in the name of Jehovah and rely upon his God” (Isa. 50:10, RV).
What shall the believer do in times of darkness — the darkness of perplexity and confusion, not of heart but of mind? Times of darkness come to the faithful and believing disciple who is walking obediently in the will of God; seasons when he does not know what to do, nor which way to turn. The sky is overcast with clouds. The clear light of Heaven does not shine upon his pathway. One feels as if he were groping his way in darkness.
Beloved, is this you? What shall the believer do in times of darkness? Listen! “Let him trust in the name of the Lord, and rely upon his God.” The first thing to do is do nothing. This is hard for poor human nature to do. In the West there is a saying that runs thus, “When you’re rattled, don’t rush”; in other words, “When you don’t know what to do, don’t do it.” When you run into a spiritual fog bank, don’t tear ahead; slow down the machinery of your life. If necessary, anchor your bark or let it swing at its moorings.
We are to simply trust God. While we trust, God can work. Worry prevents Him from doing anything for us. If our minds are distracted and our hearts distressed; if the darkness that overshadows us strikes terror to us; if we run hither and yon in a vain effort to find some way of escape out of a dark place of trial, where Divine providence has put us, the Lord can do nothing for us.
The peace of God must quiet our minds and rest our hearts. We must put our hand in the hand of God like a little child, and let Him lead us out into the bright sunshine of His love. He knows the way out of the woods. Let us climb up into His arms, and trust Him to take us out by the shortest and surest road.

–Dr. Pardington
Remember we are never without a pilot when we know not how to steer.
“Hold on, my heart, in thy believing–

The steadfast only wins the crown;

He who, when stormy winds are heaving,

Parts with its anchor, shall go down;
But he who Jesus holds through all,

Shall stand, though Heaven and earth should fall.
“Hold out! There comes an end to sorrow;

Hope from the dust shall conquering rise;

The storm foretells a summer’s morrow;

The Cross points on to Paradise;
The Father reigneth! cease all doubt;

Hold on, my heart, hold on, hold out.”

​God’s Full ArmourPROPHETIC UPDATE7 October 2017

God’s Full Armour


7 October 2017

The massacre in Las Vegas

2 Tim. 3:1-5 “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!”

It is indeed tragic considering the death of 58 people, and 400 injured. Even more tragic are the clear signs of what we read about in our verses. Those of us who are Christians can see the motive for this attack clearly. People mock God. Faith and honourable standards must be removed from society to pave the way for the Antichrist to take over. Chaos is created so people will search for a solution on earth. Winning a war is not easy – it is much easier to drain people spiritually and emotionally and to create despair in the current order.

The leftist media jumped at the chance to profit from the tragedy, politically speaking. The liberals and the terrorists’ motives are the same. Chaos must be created in order to overthrow order and the last vestiges of faith.

And these are the perilous times our verses refer to. It is not so much about the people who died, however terrible their death is. Rather, it is about the great manifestation of lovelessness, lack of self-control, dishonesty, hiding the truth, manipulation of the facts to serve the agendas of the internationalists and the terrorists. The event itself, horrific as it is, is actually small, seen against the background of the greater reality. Panic is created, which will lead to the world being given over to the “new order”.

It is noteworthy that the great leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi “rose from the dead” just a day or two before the shooting in Vegas, and he addressed his followers in many countries in a speech of three-quarters of an hour. The Russians as well as the USA claimed to have killed him, but here he was in a new recording, and the events he refers to clearly indicate that it is, indeed, a recent recording, and that he is still alive.

He gives to all terrorists in his organisation the green light to commit acts of terror, especially in Europe and the USA. And yet, the liberal media refuses once again to refer to the attack in Vegas as an act of terrorism.

As we can see in our verses above, this open perversion of the truth eventually leads to cruelty, brutality, treachery and a lack of value attached to anything that is good. This is the time we are living in. It is tragic and heartbreaking to see how completely the world is surrendered to deceit and the public worship of everything which goes against the Christian faith. And yet, at the same time, it is a great encouragement for the Christian. These things shouldn’t catch us unawares. It is not as if our Lord expected the Christian faith to take over the world. He knew it wouldn’t happen and that is what our verses state.

How are you and your children going to react? Will you go with the flow towards the “new order”, or are you renewing your courage in the certain knowledge that your Bible and your Lord expected all of these things. Make sure. Know today for certain that Jesus is your Lord. His coming for His children is very close.

​Sharon Moles

Sharon Moles

ROMANS 13:11-14 — And that, knowing the time, that NOW it is HIGH TIME to awake out of sleep: for NOW is our SALVATION (deliverance) NEARER than when we (first) believed.

The night is FAR SPENT, the day is AT HAND: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light.

Let us walk honestly, as in the day: NOT in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for THE FLESH, to fulfill the lusts thereof