​God’s Full ArmourPROPHETIC UPDATE23 September 2017

God’s Full Armour


23 September 2017

A Great Revolution

It is very interesting to note the theme of Netanyahu’s speech at the UN a few days ago. The countries at the UN that still wish for the death of Israel and support decision after decision to that effect need to take note. There is no country on earth that made so much progress in one year as Israel. Hundreds of heads of states have visited Israel in this one year, many of them for the first time. And then Netanyahu asked the UN: Does this sound to you like a country which is about to disappear from the face of the earth?

Israel is on the forefront of technology: in the medical world, agriculture, water, medicine, internet security, communication and much more. Countries are lining up to acquire this technology. Does this sound like a country about to disappear? The UN’s decision suggests that this is the most hated country on earth.

Who is the most hated nation on earth? You know who. And why? It is due to the fallen nature of man to hate the best and most intelligent out of jealousy. The Arabs have also hated them right from the beginning. Read Rom. 9. Jacob was chosen above Esau, and Isaac above Ismael. Israel delivered most Nobel prize winners in the world – even before they became a nation.

In this one year Netanyahu has visited countries in the entire six continents, some more than once. Once again, does this sound like a country about to disappear from the earth?

Israel’s enemies have attacked them a few times in the conventional way in order to destroy them. The first attack occurred in the year the nation was founded and they were barely able to create an army, and, in total, had fewer than 1 million citizens. But with each attack Israel defended themselves successfully within days and defeated the enemy. Since 1973 none of Israel’s enemies has dared to attack them in the conventional manner. Does this sound like a country which is about to disappear from the face of the earth?

Here we have a revolution in progress indeed. People need to realize that a wonder from God is taking place in Israel. Hating Israel is standing on the wrong side of reality, and above all, standing on the wrong side of the Bible.

And then, even more noteworthy, Netanyahu proceeded by quoting Isaiah 42:6 from the Bible: “I, the Lord, have called You in righteousness, and will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles.” These words can be found in several prophecies. And this week Netanyahu stood before the entire world and read this prophecy in the UN and told them in so many words: Prophecy is being fulfilled before your eyes but you are too blind to see it.

However, Netanyahu did not only talk to the nations. He was actually also talking to many churches and individuals: Those who think that they have all the Bible knowledge man can have, but they actually don’t understand a single one of the hundreds of prophecies concerning Israel. They consider Israel in the same way the nations in the UN consider Israel: just a co-incidental mistake of history and a temporary creation of the UN, to disappear again quickly.

Listen very carefully to Netanyahu’s words: ISRAEL IS HERE TO STAY! If you don’t understand Israel, you are as blind as the UN. If, as a Christian, you wish Israel dead, you don’t understand the Bible. God brought them back and He will never extinguish their light to the nations. Read the last verse in Amos. We are not suggesting that the verse Netanyahu read has already been fulfilled. In the 1000 years which will start shortly, Israel will also be the spiritual light to the nations as they are today in the technological area. Prophecy is certainly being fulfilled in front of us while the majority of Christians are too blind and jealous and too tightly cocooned in their own private theology to see the truth of the Bible playing out in front of their eyes.

It was a tragic day when Jesus caught the church of the day, the Jewish leaders, totally denying and rejecting Him. In the same way, it is tragic that the Christian world today cannot read the Bible where Israel is concerned, and they ignore and reject the very greatest sign of our Lord’s return.

A revolution is taking place, Netanyahu said. And now I hope and pray that this revolution will affect Christians, churches and Christian organisations and movements. Let us open our eyes. The Lord is doing great things. Israel is still in unbelief. This also is the process laid out for them in prophecy. They will return in unbelief and only then will they be saved at our Lord’s return (Rev. 19). Following that there will be a second complete return of Jews to Israel, and, this time, in FAITH.

Wake up, Christian, the return of our Lord is close. Prophecy is being fulfilled and many do not know this. Download the app. “Behold Israel” by Amir Tsarfati on your phonbe and stay up-to-date every week with events in the Middle East connected to end-times and the imminence of the rapture.

Streams in the Desert – September 23

<< Streams in the Desert, with Mrs. Charles Cowman
Streams in the Desert – September 23
2017Sep 23
He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his inner being shall flow rivers of living water (John 7:38).
Some of us are shivering and wondering why the Holy Spirit does not fill us. We have plenty coming in, but we do not give it out. Give out the blessing that you have, start larger plans for service and blessing, and you will soon find that the Holy Ghost is before you, and He will present you with blessings for service, and give you all that He can trust you to give away to others.
There is a beautiful fact in nature which has its spiritual parallels. There is no music so heavenly as an Aeolian harp, and the Aeolian harp is nothing but a set of musical chords arranged in harmony, and then left to be touched by the unseen fingers of the wandering winds. And as the breath of heaven floats over the chords, it is said that notes almost Divine float out upon the air, as if a choir of angels were wandering around and touching the strings.
And so it is possible to keep our hearts so open to the touch of the Holy Spirit that He can play upon them at will, as we quietly wait in the pathway of His service.

–Days of Heaven upon Earth
When the apostles received the baptism with the Holy Ghost they did not rent the upper room and stay there to hold holiness meetings, but went everywhere preaching the gospel.

–Will Huff
“If I have eaten my morsel alone,”

The patriarch spoke with scorn;

What would he think of the Church were he shown

Heathendom-huge, forlorn,

Godless, Christless, with soul unfed,

While the Church’s ailment is fullness of bread,

Eating her morsel alone?

“Freely ye have received, so give,”

He bade, who hath given us all.

How shall the soul in us longer live

Deaf to their starving call,

For whom the blood of the Lord was shed,

And His body broken to give them. bread,

If we eat our morsel alone!”

–Archbishop Alexander
“Where is Abel thy brother?” (Gen. 4:9).