​Steve Hammer

Steve Hammer

I love this old poem.

Salvation is found only in JESUS alone, no

other; for there is no other Name under

heaven given among men, whereby we must

be saved.

JESUS Saves\o/ JESUS is Savior\o/

Come to JESUS and Live♡

-A Voice from Hell-

Oh, why am I here in this place of unrest

When others have entered the land of the


God’s way of salvation was preached unto


I heard it and heard it, again and again.

Why did I not listen and turn from my sin

And open my heart and let Jesus come in?

For vain earthly pleasures my soul did I sell

The way I had chosen has brought me to


I wish I were dreaming, but ah, it is true.

The way to be saved I had heard and I knew;

My time on the earth, oh, so quickly fled by,

How little I thought of the day I would die.

When God’s Holy Spirit was pleading with me,

I hardened my heart and I turned from His


The way that was sinful, the path that was


I chose and I walked till the time that I died.

Eternally now, I must dwell in this place.

If I from my memory could but erase

The thoughts of my past which are haunting

me so.

Oh, where is a refuge to which I can go?

This torture and suff’ring, how long can I


For Satan and demons this only was planned.

God’s refuge is Jesus, the One that I spurned;

He offered salvation, but from Him I turned.

My brothers and sisters I wish I could warn.

Far better ‘twould be if I had not been born.

The price I must pay is too horrid to tell

My life without God led directly to Hell.

Oh, soul without Christ, will these words be

your cry?

God’s Word so declares it that all men must


From hell and its terrors, Oh, flee while you


So, come to the Saviour; He’ll save you


—Oscar C. Eliason

​Steve Hammer

Steve Hammer

Holiness is celebrated in heaven as one of

those aspects of the divine character that

give ineffable delight. Isaiah saw the

seraphim standing around the throne of God,

and crying one to another, “Holy! Holy! Holy!”

John also had a vision of the worship of

heaven, and says “They rest not day nor

night, saying, Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God

Almighty” When Isaiah beheld the holiness of

God, he cried out “Woe is me! I am undone. I

am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the

midst of a people of unclean lips; for mine

eyes have seen the King, the Lord of

hosts!” (Isaiah 6:5).

God’s holiness is infinite, and it is no wonder

that a perception of it should thus affect the


Finite holiness must forever feel itself awed in

the presence of infinite holiness. Job says, “I

have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear,

but now mine eye seeth Thee: wherefore I

abhor myself, and repent in dust and

ashes” (Job 42:5). There is no comparing

finite with infinite. The time will never come

when creatures can with open face

contemplate the infinite holiness of God,

without being like persons overcome with a

harmony too intensely delightful to be calmly

borne. Heaven seems not able to endure it

without breaking forth into strains of

inexpressible rapture!

Audra Baerga

​J.C. Ryle

J.C. Ryle

“When I speak of a man growing in grace, I mean simply that . . his sense of sin is becoming deeper,

his faith is becoming stronger,

his hope is becoming brighter,

his love is becoming more extensive, and

his spiritual-mindedness is becoming more marked.” J. C. Ryle

​Tom Bronstad > Rapture In The Air Now

Tom Bronstad > Rapture In The Air Now

Could this Saturday the 23rd of Sept. be a 7 day notification of the Rapture? If it is, then the following Saturday, which is the day of Atonement, could be the day of our departure. That day is Yom Kippur on the Jewish calendar which starts at sundown on Friday and is the day when the blood of a spotless lamb is to be poured out upon the Mercy Seat inside the Holy of Holies where God dwells. This blood payment was made by Jesus our High Priest, for His Bride and so the Day of At one ment becomes the day when His Bride is AT ONE with Him. At least this is the pre-picture of the the feast day of Yom Kippur. Also Saturday is a Sabbath day of rest. It is the day God rested from His 6 days of creation and represents a day of completion and perfection as well as the day before a NEW BEGINNING. It would seem to be the perfect time for the rapture of the Bride of Christ. Time will tell.


​God’s Full ArmourGLOBAL GRACE – September 2017

God’s Full Armour

GLOBAL GRACE – September 2017

Heaven Is Our Hope and Earth Israel’s Hope

19. Do Not Become Alarmed

2 Thessalonians 2:1-2, “Now in regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to meet Him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, not to be quickly unsettled or alarmed either by a [so-called prophetic revelation of a] spirit or a message or a letter [alleged to be] from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has [already] come.” These verses are still about the rapture, “the coming of our Lord Jesus and our gathering together to meet Him.” ‘And’ links two equal terms. Paul is talking about the rapture, which is our unification with Christ, and this will take place at the rapture. Do not become alarmed thinking that we are already in the Tribulation as there are some who say this. The people in Thessalonica thought so too because of the severe persecution of believers they experienced. But Paul says no, the Tribulation will begin only when we see the Antichrist taking control of the whole world. Before that, it has not yet begun, and the promise and the prophecy are still that we will be taken away before the Tribulation starts.

Here again, we find a clear prediction believers will be saved from the judgment of the Tribulation and the death and oppression of the Antichrist. This is important to remember that our place is not here on earth. We are on our way home where the Lord is preparing a place for us.


​Only Believe!David Wilkerson

Only Believe!

David Wilkerson

I am amazed at our Lord’s loving response to grief. As I read the Bible, I see that nothing stirs the heart of God more than the soul that is overcome with grief. Grief is defined as “deep sorrow” or “sadness caused by extreme distress.” Isaiah tells us the Lord himself is acquainted with this most wrenching emotion: “He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:3). We see a powerful example of God’s loving response to grief in Mark 5, where we read of Jesus’ encounter with Jairus, a synagogue ruler.

As president of the synagogue in Capernaum, Jairus was part of a religious system that had rejected Jesus. We don’t know what Jairus personally thought about Christ, but we do know he had witnessed his healing power. It was most likely in Jairus’ synagogue that Christ healed a man’s withered hand. And Jairus was probably among the crowds when Jesus cast out evil spirits and heard them cry, “You are the Son of God” (Mark 3:11).

We find that grief had come to the ruler’s house. His twelve-year-old daughter lay in bed, sick “at the point of death” (Mark 5:23). Grief alone had driven Jairus to Jesus. The fact is, we serve a Savior who responds lovingly to our every hurt, pain and grief. We all have done what Jairus did. In times past we have forgotten the Lord, neglected him, perhaps even rejected him. Yet the question our God is most concerned with is this: “Where are you with me right now? In your present grief, will you call on me?”

Dear saint, Jesus is present with you in your battle. You can press in and touch him and experience the resurrecting, healing power of Christ, just as Jairus did. He is walking beside you through it all and he has a plan to bring you out of death and into life. Fear not — only believe!

1 h

​Stephen ThomasWords to Ponder

Stephen Thomas

Words to Ponder

Whenever you put happiness before righteousness, you will be doomed to misery. That is the great message of the Bible from beginning to end. They alone are truly happy who are seeking to be righteous. – David Lloyd-jones

​Glad Tidings Tabernacle

Glad Tidings Tabernacle

When I sleep His care surrounds me,

With new strength and youth imbues;

His unbounded grace confounds me,

Each new morn His love renews. In sore trial and temptation

He, my Savior, still is near,

Bids me, “Child do thou not fear,

Thou shalt yet see My salvation.”

​Sharon Moles

Sharon Moles

A CHRISTIAN BROTHER, Chuck Steele , LEFT A COMMENT ON A THREAD I POSTED YESTERDAY, concerning the “ups” and “downs” many are going through this week as we so strongly anticipate Jesus’ appearing in the Rapture, especially in the view of all the recent and strong BIRTHPANGS. His comment is so good I feel it deserves a thread of its own.

QUOTE: What we’re experiencing is the groaning as described in Romans 8:22 and it’s not an unusual thing because Paul wrote about it: 22 “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have?”

A thought just came to mind while thinking about what we’ve been discussing against the backdrop of this verse and if I’m understanding it correctly, as the birth pains around us continue to increase, so too will our inner groanings also increase. The more signs we witness the more eager we become for the redemption of our bodies and this is why we feel the way we do. This groaning is in itself all the evidence we need to know that our redemption truly is drawing nigh. God’s Spirit is bearing witness with our Spirit that it’s near. .




Buffalos kill 7 people every year. Lions kill 500 people every year.

Hippos kill 800 people every year.

Spiders kill 5000 people every year.

Scorpions kill 7000 people every year.

Snakes kill 10000 people every year. *And then, surprisingly,*

*Mosquitoes kill 2.7 million people every year. Yes, the smallest are the deadliest!*

*Small ‘sins’, hardly noticed by many, are the most deadly to your spiritual life.* Avoid *excuses* for not praying and allotting few moments of your day to your Creator.

*Sins of omission* are just as deadly as sins of commission.

*Gossiping and small lies*, are committed more frequently and are deadly.

Mind those *little compromises* that you do daily. They are the ones that will bring your downfall.

*Successful people have two things on their lips, “Smile and silence”.* Smile can solve problems, while

Silence can avoid problems.

*Sugar and salt may be mixed together*

*but ants reject the salt and carry away only the sugar.* Select the right people in life and make your life better and sweeter.

*If you failed to achieve your dreams, change your ways not your Creator.*

Remember, trees change their leaves, not their roots. *You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks at you.*

Haters will see you walking on water and say it’s because you can’t swim.

Even if you dance on water, your enemies will accuse you of raising dust.

*Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your own hands.*

Remember Don’t ever wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it. *BE WISE!*

* If you must miss any place, don’t miss HEAVEN.

* If you must miss any appointment, please don’t miss THE RAPTURE.

* If you must miss any meal, please don’t miss THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB.

*The end is no more NEAR, It’s HERE.*

​Healing AfflictionsBy David Wilkerson

Healing Afflictions

By David Wilkerson

I have read many biographies of missionaries, ranging from contemporary times to ancient history. You would think these precious people, so used of God, would have stories of constant love, power and joy. Not so. Their stories are marked by heartache, discouragement, even treachery — stories not of adventure but of tears.

If we are genuine in our desire to know the forces that produce godliness, we must go to the Garden of Gethsemane, to Jesus, our example. All the forces that opposed Job were also there at Gethsemane, arrayed against Christ. Likewise, the fierce tempter who sought out David’s heart on the rooftop is the same tempter who sought out Jesus on the temple pinnacle to destroy him. And all the forces of torment that plagued Peter’s soul were also at Gethsemane, battling with our Savior.

To every true man or woman of God there will come a cup of pain. Jesus’ entire ministry had been doing the will of his Father. Indeed, for three years everything he did pointed toward Calvary. Now, at Gethsemane, He cried out in effect, “Oh, God, if it is possible at all, relieve me of this burden. It’s too heavy for me. I would rather let it pass.”

I don’t know what your cup of pain may be. Some Christians have prayed for years to be delivered from theirs. Make no mistake, I believe in healing. Yet I also believe in healing afflictions. David testified, “Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now I keep your word” (Psalm 119:67).

We cannot let ourselves think that every pain or trial is an attack of the devil. Nor can we think that these trials mean we have sin in our lives and that God is judging us. David tells us differently. If he had not been afflicted, he would not have sought the Lord.

Posted by Lone Ranger

Bible Prophecy WatcherProclaiming Bible Prophecy, Biblical Truth, and the Second Coming of Yeshua HaMashiach
God Will Shake the Heavens, the Earth and the Seas Will Roar in the Last Days and They Are!
Posted by Lone Ranger
“M6.1 earthquake hits Japan: Third major quake in 24 hours along the Ring of Fire”, Strange Sounds – 9/20/2017
“Puerto Rico ‘100 percent without power’ after Maria hits”, UPI – 9/20/2017
“Another warning! A mag 6.1 – off the east coast of Honshu, Japan, the same area as the 2011 Fukushima disaster”, The Big Wobble – 9/20/2017
BProphecy Commentary: Repent For the Kingdom of God is Near! –
I wonder how many Christians and non-Christians are getting a clear message that this is the Lord warning the US and the world that His judgments are on the way and will without question keep increasing if there is no outcry for repentance?
Why do we not hear any Christian leaders taking to the airways to declare that America and all people must repent of their sin before a Holy and Righteous God? Why don’t some of these “mega-church” pastors pay for the air time and get this message to the nation? Why doesn’t Trump and his evangelical council speak a clarion call from the White House to repent and turn back to God? We hear nothing, notta, crickets.
This should not be so.
Friends, the US and the world could be on the precipice of God’s judgments and for that matter perhaps the beginning of the Tribulation – Daniel’s Seventieth Week. We can’t be sure but it’s looking like it might be the case.
“For thus saith the Lord of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;” -Hag 2:6 (KJV)
These storms and earthquakes are worsening and increasing in intensity and frequency but who is heeding the message. Do not Christians read their Bibles anymore? This is serious and Almighty God means business.
In the last days He will shake the nations, the people, the heavens and the earth with His righteous justice. This is fact based on the Bible – His word to us, to learn from and be edified. Yes, He loves us beyond measure but will not tolerate unrepentant sin forever. It may very well be that the bill is coming due on America’s and the world’s blatant rejection and rebellion of Jesus Christ His only Son and His word. Consider these things carefully and weigh these supernatural events with utmost urgency so that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man. God never kids around – He says what He means, and means what He says!
“Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.” -Heb 12:26 (KJV)
GET RIGHT WITH GOD TODAY, for we are not promised tomorrow
-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken”  -Luke 21:25-26 (KJV)
“And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” -Luke 21:11 (KJV)