​Steve Hammer

Steve Hammer

If you would have your little faith grow into

great faith, you must feed it well. Faith is a

feeding grace. It does not ask you to give it

the things that are seen, but it does ask you

to give it the promise of the things that are

not seen, which are eternal. Thou tellest me

thou hast little faith. I ask thee whether thou

art given to the meditation of God’s Word,

whether thou hast studied the promises

whether thou art wont to carry one of those

sacred things about with thee every day?

Dost thou reply, “No?” Then, I tell thee, I do

not wonder at thine unbelief He who deals

largely with the promises, will, under grace,

very soon find that there is great room for

believing them. Get a promise, beloved, every

day, and take it with you wherever you go;

mark it, learn it, and inwardly digest it. Don’t

do as some men do-who think it a Christian

duty to read a chapter every morning, and

they read one as long as your arm without

understanding it at all; but take out some

choice text and pray the Lord during the day

to break it up to your mind. Do as Luther

says: “When I get hold of a promise,” says

he, “I look upon it as I would a fruit tree. I

think-there hang the fruits above my head,

and if I would get them I must shake the tree

to and fro.” So I take a promise and meditate

upon it; I shake it to and fro, and sometimes

the mellow fruit fans into my hand, at other

times the fruit is less ready to fall, but I never

leave off till I get it. I shake, shake all the day

long; I turn the text over and over again, and

at last the pomegranate droppeth down, and

my soul is comforted with apples, for it was

sick of love. Do that, Christian. Deal much

with the promises; have much commerce

with these powders of the merchant: there is

a rich perfume in every promise of God;

taken; it is an alabaster box, break it by

meditation, and the sweet scent of faith shall

be shed abroad in your house.


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