​Paula MailletSeptember 12

Paula Maillet

September 12

Knowing God In The Valleys

“But I will sing of your power;

Yes, I will sing aloud of your mercy in the


for you have been my defense

and refuge in the day of my trouble.

To you, O my Strength, I will sing praises,

for God is my defense,

my God of mercy.”

Psalm 59:16-17

I think back to the times of greatest growth

in my life, and those were consistently the

darkest times of my life. Those are the times

when we experience the Lord in ways more

personal and more deeply than at any other

times in life. Indeed he is as the psalmist

wrote, “a very present help in trouble.” Jesus

has promised us that he will NEVER leave us

or forsake us, therefore let us cling closely to

him in the dark days.

I look to the apostle Paul who sat in a dark

and dank dungeon, his back bloodied after

being severely whipped, yet the depth of the

faith he had – enabled him to rise above it:

“But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying

and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners

were listening to them. Suddenly there was a

great earthquake, so that the foundations of

the prison were shaken;” Acts 16:25-26

For years I’ve wondered on that Scripture,

trying to understand how this man could be

singing praises to God in the pain and

suffering he was enduring. An important point

is to be made here, too. As Paul sang praises

to God in his pain, there was an earthquake

and it resulted in all present being saved. To

arise to that level of faith is the model I

aspire to and hope to achieve before my

journey is over.

It’s wonderful to be on the glorious mountain

tops, but our experience of God is the most

personal in the dark valleys. There we learn

who he really is and there his love for us is

most personally revealed.


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