Sharon Moles

Sharon Moles


“ISRAEL WIPES OUT IRANIAN CHEMICAL-BIO FACILITY” by Kit R. Olsen, posted at Rapture Ready. Get ready for the Rapture. Believers are one major step closer to going home.

Overnight, Israel destroyed the main chemical-biolog

ical facility run by Iran in the heart of Syria (September 7, 2017). The facility was used to develop chemical biological weapons as well as medium range missiles; this is the most intense and serious attack by Israel against Syria (Iran) in the last ten years; it is the same facility that Assad used to develop chemical weapons launched against his own people (under Iranian auspices and the knowledge of the Russians).

This information was reported from Galilee this morning by Amir Tsarfati, whom I have cited often in my writing since 2009. Ten years ago Israel destroyed the plutonium manufacturing nuclear reactor in Syria built and developed by the North Koreans.

The facility Israel just wiped-out in Syria was run and built by the Iranians and their proxies, Hezbollah. The location of the facility was close to a Russian air base. Incredibly and mysteriously, Israel was able to achieve this attack without Israeli aircrafts being detected by the Syrian system.

This situation is in a developmental stage. It is being reported that Prime Minister Netenyahu is saying even moderate Sunni Arabs are supporting this situation as they are all terrified of Iran and its ability to destroy the entire region. The word is coming out that Iran is promising a severe retaliation.

It is no coincidence that the Israelis have been having intense military drills in Northern Israel for days, most probably because they expect Iranian/Hezbollah retaliation for destroying their evil facility. The word is coming out now that Iran is promising a severe retaliation.

This is a huge prophetic development and an indication that the most biblically prophesied war, the battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39 (Gog-Magog) is getting closer. In my book, Israel’s Guaranteed Future Glory, I wrote about some of the events that will lead up to this epic battle and how I would not be surprised if: “An incident involving some destruction of Iran’s nuclear facilities is very possible in the near future, even before the Gog-Magog incursion.”

The Israeli’s just did that today on September 7, 2017 by attacking the main chemical and biological facility in Syria run by Iran and Hezbollah. The following is an excerpt from Israel’s Guaranteed Future Glory, relating to this and other prophetic Middle East events.

The Timing of Isaiah 17

The destruction of Damascus is foretold in the book of Isaiah and Jeremiah. It is possible that Isaiah’s prophecy could be fulfilled at the time of the Gog-Magog war, and actually be destroyed when God unleashes His mighty power as detailed in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Although it does seem like the destruction of Damascus could happen at any time, especially since Syria is engulfed in internal fighting. ISIS is on the move and the entire country is in serious trouble.

Some people think Damascus will be destroyed by a nuclear attack-which is possible during the Tribulation. But a major nuclear attack prior to the Tribulation would cause a great deal of radioactive fallout and cause too much damage in the entire area. Jerusalem is only 134 miles from Damascus. Even a tactical nuclear weapon could easily cause serious problems. Verse 1 states, “Damascus will be a ruinous heap.” How this cataclysmic prophecy will be fulfilled is unknown. We cannot say for sure how this will happen or what God’s plans are for the fulfillment of this prophecy. ISIS and Muslim rebels have surrounded the ancient city of Damascus, and the entire country is in serious crisis barely holding on. (Since March 2015, Assad has steadily lost territory in the northwest, south, and central Syria to an array of groups including the Islamic State, the Al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, and rebels who profess a more moderate vision for Syria.)

Damascus is known to be a major hub for terrorists. Syria’s involvement in the ongoing aggression to eliminate Israel will bring catastrophe to that nation. Additionally, current news reports point to extreme political and civil devastation continues to grow within Syria. As far back as 2007, Israeli intelligence discovered that in the desolate Syrian Desert, a facility was in the process of manufacturing nuclear weapons. It was being aided by North Korea. Of course, Israel did what she had to do and sent a few jets overhead to take care of the problem. The Israelis were able to unscramble the radar so the visit was a complete surprise to the Syrians and everyone else involved, including Iran. It is often said that Syria is just Iran’s proxy. Russia also, is a great ally and defender of Syria arming the anti-Israel neighbor with missiles and other weapons.

In February of 2011, Western Intelligence agencies discovered another nuclear plant in Syria, in a Damascus suburb. In addition, a German newspaper, the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), reported that it received photos of the site, but will not publish them because inferences can be made as to when they were taken, and thus to who leaked them. In addition, Washington’s Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) published photos on February 23, 2011 of one of three more sites that are believed to be connected to the Al-Kibar facility destroyed in 2007, as reported in Arutz Sheva, Israel National News on February 24, 2011.

Never Underestimate Israel When Dealing with Iran

An incident involving some destruction of Iran’s nuclear facilities is very possible in the near future, even before the Gog-Magog incursion. As difficult and challenging as it may seem strategically, Israel may find a way to take out the areas that house Iran’s nuclear weapons programs such as the Fordo site located deep in the mountains of Iran, near the city of Qom or the area where the Bushehr nuclear plant that resides in Iran (Elam).

I have heard reports given by Amir Tsarfati, that Israel has been going into Syria, Iran’s strategic ally, taking out some of their caches of weapons. It has been reported for years that Israeli war planes have targeted military sites including Dimas, 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) northwest of Damascus and located on the Damascus-Beirut road at the foothills of the Anti-Lebanon Mountains. They also targeted Damascus International Airport, 25 kilometers east of the capital. Perhaps the Israeli’s have some other clever clandestine strategies in mind to put an end to Iran’s potential nuclear holocaust. I would not underestimate the Israeli’s when it comes to protecting their homeland and their very existence.

Intense uprisings in the Middle East countries are quickly escalating. Iran is gaining more control of the entire region while its leaders are continuing to loudly threaten Israel and all Jews with comments like: “The Zionist regime will be wiped soon.” Radicals are gaining strength, while traditional moderate Arab leaderships are weakening. Egypt has fallen apart and is in total chaos-a dangerous situation that most likely leading to an Iranian type extremist hard-line government-leading to its complete demise.

Lebanon, Israel’s neighbor to the north has essentially been taken over by Iran gaining much closer proximity to Israel. Iraq is on the verge of being taken over by pro-Iran Shiite factions. It is very possible that Israel will defend herself against Iranian nuclear threats by using subterfuge or some kind of creative preemptive defense measures even before the battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39 takes place. We certainly are living in very perilous times in these last days. It is impossible to keep up with the fast-moving events involving the Middle East. No doubt some of these situations are being methodically manipulated by those who have diabolical, hidden agendas and want to bring about “change.” Change, that is not in the best interest of freedom-loving people. But God cannot be outwitted. He has the final say regardless of what governments, terrorists or pompous elitists try to do.

Moses Niwe

Moses Niwe

*****The Spiritual Watch******

by Thomas Watson

“Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of

it are the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23

This book of Proverbs is full of many divine

aphorisms. Other parts of Scripture are like a

golden chain—the verses linked together by

coherence; but this book is like a heap of

golden rings: many precious sentences lie

scattered up and down in it like so many

jewels or sparkling diamonds!

This text is about matters of life and death.

The words are mandatory; for all counsels in

Scripture carry in them the force of a

command. “Keep your heart.” Here is God’s

solemn charge to every man, like a judge’s

charge given from the bench. I shall first

explain the text—and then apply the text.

“Keep.” The Hebrew word “to keep” has

various meanings. Sometimes it means “to

arm or fence.” A stroke to the heart kills—so

fence your heart. Sometimes it means “to

take care of something so that it is not lost,”

as someone would take care of a piece of

precious metal so that it is not taken away.

Sometimes it means to keep in safe custody.

So keep your heart; lock it up safely so that

it is forthcoming when God calls for it.

“Your heart.” The heart is taken diversely in

Scripture. Sometimes it is taken for the vital

organ (Judges 19:5), sometimes for the soul

(Deuteronomy 13:3), sometimes for the mind

(Proverbs 10:8), sometimes for the

conscience (1 John 3:20), and sometimes for

the will and affections (Psalm 119:36). I

shall take it in its full latitude—for the whole

soul with all its noble faculties and

endowments. The heart is the deposit or

charge every man is entrusted with.

“With all diligence.” The original word is

literally translated “with all keeping.” The

Hebrew word signifies to keep with watch

and ward; a Christian is to set a continual

guard around his heart. Some read the words

“above all keeping.” Nothing requires such

strict custody; a Christian’s heart must ever

be in his eye.

“For out of it are the issues of life.” Since the

heart is the fountain of life—if the heart lives,

the body lives; if the heart is touched, death

follows. So the soul is a spiritual fountain:

out of it issues either sin or grace. From this

spring-head, flow the streams either of

salvation or damnation!

In these words there is:

A duty: “Keep your heart.”

The manner: “with all diligence.”

The reason: “for out of it are the issues of


DOCTRINE: It must be a Christian’s great

care to keep his heart with all diligence, with

all keeping.

We are to keep our eyes, as Job set a watch

there. Job 31:1: “I have made a covenant

with my eyes.” We are to keep our lips, as

David bridled his tongue. Psalm 39:1: “I will

keep my mouth as with a bridle.” But we are

especially to look to our hearts. “Keep your

heart with all keeping.”

The heart, like Dinah in the Old Testament,

will be gadding abroad; and it seldom returns

home without being defiled. Christian, your

chief work lies with your heart: “Keep your

heart.” When any danger is near, the serpent

keeps his head safe, and to preserve his head

will expose his whole body to injury. So a

wise Christian should especially keep his

heart; he should jeopardize his skin to keep a

wound from his heart.

To amplify this, I will:

show that the heart must be kept with all

kinds of keeping,

show that it must be kept at all times,

and then give the reasons that enforce this


I. The DUTY: “keep your heart.” The heart

must be kept with all kinds of keeping.

Keep your heart as you would keep a

TEMPLE. The temple was a hallowed place,

set apart for God’s worship. Just so, the

heart is the temple of God (1 Corinthians

3:16). This heart-temple must be kept pure

and holy—no filth may lie here; sweep the

dust out of the temple. The vessels of the

temple were cleansed (2 Chronicles 29:15).

Thus the memory, affections, and conscience,

these temple vessels, must be cleansed (2

Corinthians 7:1). Christ whipped the buyers

and sellers out of the temple in John 2. The

cares of the world will be crowding into the

heart. Now you must get a whip made of the

threatenings of the law, and drive these

money-changers out of the temple of your

heart. Do not let God’s temple be turned into

a worldly market.

The temple had a fire burning on the altar;

take heed of strange fire. But keep the fire of

zeal and devotion flaming upon the altar of

your heart; do temple work and offer up the

sacrifice of a broken heart. When the heart is

a consecrated place, a holy of holies, then

God will walk there. Many a man’s heart is a

pest-house, a bedlam, being polluted with

sin. This is to put swine into God’s temple!

This is to let the devil come into God’s

temple! David’s heart was a dedicated temple

(Psalm 119:38).

Keep your heart as you would keep a

TREASURE. A man who has a great treasure

of money and jewels, will keep it with lock

and bolt so that it is not stolen. Christian,

you carry a precious treasure with you, even

all that you are worth—a heart! The devil and

the world would rob you of this jewel. Oh,

keep your heart as you would keep your life.

If you are robbed of this treasure—you are


Few know the value of their hearts. A farmer

can set a price on his grain—but not on

jewels. Men do not know the worth of that

treasure they carry around with them;

therefore they prefer other things. Keep your

heart like a treasure.

Keep your heart as you would keep a

GARDEN. Your heart is a garden (Song of

Solomon 4:12); weed all sin out of your

heart. Among the flowers of the heart, weeds

will be growing—the weeds of pride, malice,

and covetousness: these grow without

planting and cultivating. Therefore be

weeding your heart daily by prayer,

examination, and repentance.

Weeds hinder the herbs and flowers from

growing; the weeds of corruption—hinder the

growth of grace. Where the weed of unbelief

grows—it hinders the flower of faith from


Weeds spoil the walkways. Christ will not

walk in a heart overgrown with weeds and

briars. Christ was sometimes among the

lilies (Song of Solomon 6:3)—but never

among the thistles. Poor sinner, you

complain that you have no communion with

God. There was a time when God made

Himself known to you—but now He has

grown unfamiliar, and never comes near you.

This is the reason: Sin has spoiled Christ’s

walks. Your heart lies like the field of the

sluggard (Proverbs 20:4). And will Christ

walk there? Indeed, we read that Christ was

once in the wilderness when He was tempted

(Matthew 4:1)—but He did not go there for

delight—but so that he might duel and

skirmish with Satan. It is the garden, which

Christ delights in. Oh, weed your heart daily;

do not let it become a thicket for Satan!

Keep your heart as you would keep a

GARRISON. The heart of man is a garrison or

a royal fortress. This garrison is besieged;

the devil shoots his fiery darts of temptation.

So keep your heart as a tower or a castle.

Keep a close sentinel on your heart.

Habakkuk 2:1: “I will stand upon my watch,

and set upon the tower.” Discover where

Satan labors to make a breach—what grace

he most shoots at—and there set a double

guard and fortify that spot.

Make use of all your spiritual ammunition:

meditation and prayer. Prayer is the great

ordinance; discharge this cannon, and be

sure to put the bullet of faith in it (Matthew

21:22; 1 Peter 5:9). If the devil takes the

garrison by storm, it will be sad. Remember

how he tore and tormented that man in

whom he was (Matthew 9:18)? It is easier to

let Satan in—than it is to get him out! If the

devil gets the garrison of your heart, you are

his slave; and remember, he gives no


Keep your heart as you would a PRISONER.

The heart is guilty, and is ready every now

and then to break prison. We need to lay

bolts and fetters upon it! A prisoner in the

jail may promise that he will not stir—but

when he sees an opportunity, if you do not

watch him, he will file off his fetters and be

gone! So the heart promises that it will keep

from such sins—but if you are not careful it,

will steal out to vanity. Therefore, keep your

heart as a prisoner! When you perceive it

breaking loose, lay chains and fetters upon it;

bind it fast with the terrors of the law; keep it

with the flaming sword of a reproof.

As John the Baptist said to Herod in Mark

6:18, “It is not lawful for you to have your

brother’s wife!” So say to your heart, “It is

not lawful for you to meddle with forbidden

fruit! You may not be proud, vain, or worldly!”

Lay the commands of God upon your heart. A

man may be too jealous of his friend—but he

cannot be too jealous of his heart. Let it be

kept as a prisoner—closely under guard.

Keep your heart as you would keep a

WATCH. The heart will unwind to the world;

therefore wind it up every morning and

evening by prayer. The motion of a watch is

not constant: sometimes it goes fast,

sometimes slower. And so it is with the

heart: sometimes it goes faster in vanity and

sometimes it goes slower in duty. Therefore

set this spiritual watch by the sundial of the


II. The MANNER: “with all diligence.” The

heart must be kept at all times!

Keep your heart when you are ALONE. It was

Satan’s subtlety to set upon Eve, when she

was alone and less able to resist. He is like a

cunning suitor who woos the daughter, when

her parents are away from home. The devil

breaks through the hedge commonly, where it

is weakest. I confess that privacy and

retirement is good; if a Christian had a

fruitful heart, what sweet thoughts he might

have of God when he is alone! (Psalm

139:17) But, alas, by reason of innate

corruption, how many vain, proud, impure

thoughts will steal into our hearts when we

are most secluded from the world! The fowls

will be eating at the sacrifice; the devil will

he shooting in his fireballs and, when we

least suspect him, will be tempting us to

deliver up the castle of our heart to him.

Keep your heart when you are in COMPANY.

Vain company is the bait by which Satan is

angling for the heart. Under the Law, he who

touched a dead body was unclean (Numbers

5:2). The heart is apt to be defiled by being

among those who are dead in sin; it is easy

to catch a disease when in company.

Indeed, in the state of innocence, the heart

might be compared to those plants of

paradise which Athanasius said impart an

aromatic, sweet savor to the adjoining trees;

but, since the fall, our hearts are ready to

pollute and infect one another, being like that

withered vine the poet speaks of, which took

away the fresh color and sap from a

neighboring vine. A good eye, by looking at a

watery eye, many times falls to watering

itself. Just so, often a good heart, by

beholding and conversing with a profane one,

gathers corruption. If you mingle bright and

rusty metal together, the rusty metal will not

be made bright—but the bright will become

rusty. So an evil companion who is rusted

with sin, will always rub some of his unholy

rust upon a man who is bright with grace.

Christians, look to your hearts even in good

company. Those who may, like Abijah, have

some good thing in them (1 Kings 14:13)—

yet find that good thing to be very small, like

a pearl in a heap of stones; or like filings of

gold among the dirt. There may be much

levity of discourse among those who are

good, and even if there is no filth or scum—

yet froth may boil up. These are the most

dangerous, because they are the least

suspicious. Who would suspect the plague, in

perfumed linen? Though the lungs are sound,

the breath may not be sweet. Such as we

hope have sound hearts, yet may lack some

grains of solidity, and are not as sweet and

heavenly in their speeches, as they should be

(Colossians 4:6).

The devil does harm by a good instrument

sometimes, which he cannot do by a bad

one; he hands over a temptation by such: he

tempted Christ by an apostle. The devil once

crept into a serpent, and here he crept into a

dove; but Christ spied his cloven hoof. “Get

behind Me, Satan!” (Matthew 16:23). How

watchful, then, we need to be in company!

Keep your heart especially after good

DUTIES. When Christ had been praying and

fasting, then the devil came and tempted Him

(Matthew 4:2-3). When we have been most

enlarged in our services, then Satan will

tempt us to pride and carnal security. Many

Christian’s hearts, like bows, stand unbent

after shootings; they are apt to grow more

remiss, as if duty were a sufficient spell and

antidote against temptation. Do we not know

that Satan always lies waiting to temp? He is

more angry with us after duty; those prayers

which appease God—incense Satan, and if we

lay down our weapons, he will attack us and

wound us!

After David’s victory over the Assyrians, he

grew lustful, and defiled Bathsheba (2

Samuel 11:4). After we have gotten a victory

over Satan in duty, then let us fear, lest our

hearts give us the slip. When God had driven

Adam out of the garden, He placed a flaming

sword at the east of it, to guard the Tree of

Life (Genesis 3). When we have cast out the

devil by prayer and fasting, let us set a

strong guard about our hearts to keep them,

so that the enemy does not make a re-entry.

Keep your heart in times of ADVERSITY. The

devil makes use of all winds, to toss the soul

and make it suffer shipwreck. Adversity has

its temptations; many souls have been cast

away in a storm. In adversity the devil

tempts to unbelief and desperation. Job 2:9:

“Do you still retain your integrity?” Satan

used Job’s wife as a ladder by which he

would have scaled the impregnable tower of

Job’s faith. “Do you still retain your

integrity?” was a cutting kind of speech, as if

the devil had said, “God has pulled down

your hedge. He has smitten you in your

children. And are you so senseless as to still

serve and worship God? What have you

gotten by His service? Where are your

earnings? What have you to show but your

boils? Throw off religion. Curse God and die!”

Satan’s medicines are always poisons.

Malachi 3:14: “You have said it is vain to

serve God, and what profit is it that we have

kept His ordinances?” They have mourned

and fasted and almost fasted away all they

had. When a man’s estate is low and his

spirit is troubled, then Satan begins to throw

in his hooks of temptation. And oftentimes

Satan makes use of poverty to put a man

upon indirect courses. Agur feared for his

heart in poverty (Proverbs 30:8-9). Oh, keep

your heart in adversity; beware of taking the

forbidden fruit!

Keep your heart in time of PROSPERITY. The

fuller the moon is, the more remote it is from

the sun; and oftentimes the more full a man

is of the world, the further his heart is from

God. Deuteronomy 32:15: “Jesurun waxed fat

—and kicked.” It is hard to abound in

prosperity—and not abound in sin. A full cup

is hard to carry, without spilling. The trees

are never more in danger of the wind, than

when they blossom. Pride, idleness, and

luxury, are the three daughters which are

bred by prosperity. Samson fell asleep in

Delilah’s lap; millions have slept their way to

hell, in the lap of prosperity. Agur prayed,

“Give me not riches” (Proverbs 30:8). He

knew his heart would run wild into sin. The

world’s golden apple, bewitches. When God

sets a hedge of prosperity around us, we

need to set a hedge of caution and


III. The REASON: “for out of it are the issues

of life.” The reasons for keeping the heart are


1. The heart is a slippery substance—it is

deceitful. Jeremiah 17:9: “The heart is

deceitful above all things.” In the Hebrew it is

“the heart is a Jacob above all things,” a

supplanter. If we are not very cautious and

watchful, our hearts will cheat us. There is

deceit in money, in friends, and in books; but

the heart has an art of deceiving beyond all

these! “The heart is a desperate impostor,”

said Augustine. The way of the heart, is like

a serpent upon a rock. Oh, the pleats and

folds, the subtleties and labyrinths of a self-

deceiving heart! Let us trace a little, the heart

in its fallacies and strategies, and see if there

is not reason to keep a sentinel continually,

and to set a strong guard around it. The

heart will deceive us about sinful things,

lawful things, and religious things.

First, the heart will deceive us about SINFUL

things. The heart will tell us that sin is but

small—and, being small, it is venial. The

heart will apologize for sin, masking bad

transactions over with golden pretenses. The

heart will tell a man that he may keep his sin

—and yet keep his religion too. 2 Kings

17:33: “They feared the Lord—and served

their idols.” The heart will secretly suggest to

a man that, as long as he goes to church and

gives alms, he may secretly indulge

corruption, as if religious duties gave a man

a right and license to sin.

The heart will even quote Scripture to justify

sin! 1 Corinthians 9:20, 22: “To the Jews I

became as a Jew that I might gain the Jews.

I am made all things to all men.” The heart

will bring this text out for sinful compliance.

Oh, subtle and deceitful heart, which can find

a Scripture to damn yourself with! Though

Paul would conform to others in things which

were indifferent in order that he might save

their souls—yet he would not violate a law or

deny an article of his creed, to gratify them.

And if the heart is so treacherous (being

always more ready to excuse sin than

examine it), what care and circumspection

should we use in keeping our hearts, so that

they do not decoy us into sin before we are

aware of it!

Second, the heart will deceive us about

LAWFUL things in two cases. The heart will

tell us that it is lawful to endeavor to

preserve our reputation. A good name is a

precious ointment—but under a pretense of

preserving our good name, the heart is ready

to tempt a man to self-seeking and make

him do all to get such a name. John 12:43:

“They loved the praise of men, more than the

praise of God.”

The heart will tell us that it is lawful to take

comfort in estate and relations (Deuteronomy

26:11). But the heart will be ready here to

overshoot. How often the wife and child are

put in God’s place. The full stream of the

affections runs out to the creature—and

scarcely a drop of love is left for Christ! This

is the deceit of the heart—it makes us offend

in lawful things. More are killed with wine,

than poison; they are afraid of poison—but

take wine in excess. Gross sins frighten—but

how many go to excess in lawful things?

When we overdo, we undo.

Third, the heart will deceive us about

RELIGIOUS things—our duties and graces.

With regard to our duties, the heart will tell

us that it is enough to come to the Word and

the Sacrament, though the affections are not

at all wrought upon. This is like the

salamander, which lives in the fire—but (as

naturalists say) is never the hotter. Will it be

any plea at God’s bar—to tell the Lord how

many sermons you have heard? Surely it will

be like bringing Uriah’s letter: it will be

evidence against you! How treacherous the

heart is—to plot its own death—and bring a

man to hell by way of duty!

With regard to our graces, the heart is like a

flattering mirror which will make a hypocrite

look good. The foolish virgins thought they

had oil; many strongly think that they have

grace, when they have none. The hypocrite’s

knowledge is no better than ignorance (1

John 2:4). He has illumination—but not

assimilation; he has not been made like

Christ. He ‘believes’—but his heart is not

purified. He pretends to trust God in greater

matters—but dares not trust Him in lesser

ones. He will trust God with his soul—but not

with his estate.

Well, if the heart is this deceitful, see what

need we have to keep the heart with all

diligence! Do with the heart as you would do

with a cheater. We will trust a cheater no

further than we can see him. The heart is a

grand cheater; it will supplant and delude;

test it—but do not trust it. Proverbs 28:26:

“He who trusts in his own heart is a fool!”

We must keep the heart with watch and ward,

because it is not only false—but fickle! God

complains of Israel that their goodness was

as the early dew (Hosea 6:4). The sun rises

and the dew vanishes. The heart sometimes

seems to be in a good frame—but it soon

alters. The heart is changeable like water. Set

water on a fire and it boils; set it in the frigid

air and it freezes. Those good affections

which boil in the church—often freeze in the

shop. One day a Christian is quick and lively

in prayer, another day he is like the disciples,

heavy and sleeping (Luke 22:45).

At one time a Christian is like David, when he

danced before the ark with all his might (2

Samuel 6:14); at another time he is like

Samson when his hair was shaved and his

strength left him (Judges 16:19). When the

gold has been made pure in the fire, it

remains pure; but it is not so with the heart.

When the heart has been purified in an

ordinance, it does not remain pure—but soon

gathers new dirt and dross. The heart is

humble one day—and proud the next; it is

meek one day—and angry the next; it is quick

in its motions towards heaven one day—and

the next day, the affections are worldly. It is

with the heart as with a sick man’s pulse,

which alters by the moment. Since the heart

is so full of variation and inconstancy, it is

needful to keep the heart with all keeping.

Like a violin, the heart will soon be out of

order; therefore we must often keep the

instrument in tune, so that we may make

melody in our heart to the Lord (Ephesians


2. The heart must especially be looked to

and watched over, because the heart is the

fountain of all our actions and purposes. The

heart either sweetens or poisons all that we

do! The heart is the spring which makes the

current of our life, run either pure or muddy;

the heart is the throne of either sin or grace.

If the root is sour, no sweet fruit can grow

upon it—for if there is a root of bitterness

springing up in the heart, it is impossible that

our services should give a sweet relish!

In the natural body, the heart is the fountain

of life; if the heart lives, the whole body lives;

if the heart is diseased and poisoned, the

body dies. So it is in a spiritual sense: if the

inner man of the heart is holy, then the

thoughts and actions are holy. But if the soul

is earthly and impure, the actions receive a

bad tincture. In religion, the heart is

everything. We judge men’s hearts by their

actions. God judges men’s actions by their

hearts. The heart distinguishes actions. 2

Chronicles 25:2: “Amaziah did that which

was right in the sight of the Lord—but not

with a perfect heart.” But of Asa it is said,

“His heart was perfect all his days” (2

Chronicles 15:17). It is the heart which gives

the meaning to a thing. Now if the heart is

the spring which makes our actions good or

bad—then the heart is chiefly to be watched

over and tended. Keep the spring pure; “keep

your heart with all diligence.”

​Kale Brent McCrary

Kale Brent McCrary

Joel Osteen and all the other false prosperity

preachers will never tell their lost sheep that

Gods judgement is upon us because of the

sins that have taken over our country.







These false prophets will never share this

part of God’s Holy Word because they do not

want to offend anyone.

Their souls will go to hell and all they are

worried about is their bottom line profits.

Evil generation in the false prosperity/idolatry


​Paul Washer Quotes

Paul Washer Quotes

“Avoid trivial pursuits. You are a child of God, destined for glory, and called to do great things in His Name. Do not waste your life on hobbies, sports, and other recreational pursuits. Do not throw away the precious moments of your life on entertainment, movies, and video games. Though some of these things can properly have a ‘small place’ in the Christian’s life, we must be careful not to give undue attention to temporal and fruitless activities. Do not waste your life. Employ the time of your youth in developing the character and skills necessary to be a useful servant of God.”~Paul Washer

​Answers From the Book

Answers From the Book

QUESTION: Is it true that no one seeks God?

ANSWER: The answer is: YES and NO. Scripture is quite clear that no one has the desire to seek after God in their natural, sinful state. But Scripture also teaches us that God works in the souls of men and woman and creates a desire to seek after Him.

Romans 3:11 says, “There is none who understands; there is NONE WHO SEEKS AFTER GOD” (NKJV). In this portion of Scripture, the Apostle Paul is describing man’s lost and guilty condition before God. He started this line of thought in verse 9, “What then? Are we better than they? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks that THEY ARE ALL UNDER SIN.” What is meant by the words, “they are all UNDER SIN?” It means that because all men (and women) are born in sin (see Psalm 51:5; John 3:6) they are all “under the power of sin.” The sinful nature they were born with prevents them from having any desire to seek after God, for their sin keeps them captive to sinful desires. John 5:40 reads, “But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.” These words were spoken by the Lord Jesus to the religious leaders of His day, but they apply to all men. Again, because men are “under the power of sin,” they have no desire to come to Christ to receive the gift of eternal life. They do NOT seek after God!

John 6:44 states, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him.” The Lord Jesus repeats the truth that NO ONE will come to Him for eternal life, but He adds those precious words, “unless the Father who sent Me DRAWS HIM.” We have seen that if men are left to themselves, NO ONE SEEKS AFTER GOD, but now we learn the Father can work in one’s heart and draw them, like a magnet, to His Son for salvation. He does this by the Holy Spirit and the Word, as we see in John 3:5, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water (a symbol of the Word of God…Ephesians 5:26 & 1st Peter 1:23) and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” Before we close our meditation, let’s consider the familiar story of Zacchaeus in Luke chapter 19. Jesus was passing through Jericho (verse 1) and in verses 2-3 we read, “Zacchaeus…was a tax collector…and he SOUGHT TO SEE who Jesus was.” Here was a man SEEKING JESUS and we read he was so earnest that he “climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him.” How do we reconcile this with what we have just seen? I thought the scriptures said, “there is none who seeks after God?” We know Scripture does NOT contradict itself so there must be a reasonable explanation. Ah, the answer is found in verses 9-10: “And Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house…for the Son of Man has come TO SEEK and to save what which was lost.” The reason Zacchaeus was “seeking Jesus” is because Jesus was “seeking Zacchaeus!” As we saw earlier the Father must draw the sinner to the Lord Jesus and that’s what was taking place here. God “seeks the sinner” and then the sinner “seeks after God.” I would encourage the reader to read Genesis 3:1-15 to see that as soon as sin entered the world God had to SEEK Adam and DRAW him out of his hiding place so that He could reveal His salvation to him.

8 hrs · Public

​Stephen Thomas

Stephen Thomas

What’s In a Name?

Shakespeare wrote, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Perhaps, but that doesn’t mean a name isn’t important.

When you sign your name on a check or a document, that signature legally stands for you—the person behind the name. And that signature is only as good as the character of the person who writes it. That’s why businessmen and women are jealous of their “good name.” They know that their name and their character are inextricably bound up together.

It’s the same with God. His names tell us who He is, what His character is like, what we can expect from Him.

The Bible is the story of God and the salvation He offers. It’s all wrapped up in His many names—His names are the very nature of God. The apostle John closes his gospel with these words: “These [things] are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31).

​Paula MailletIMPORTANT! ! !

Paula Maillet


I’m posting this to get the attention of believers to connect the dots in what is happening, because taken as a whole …it’s unprecedented.

* A total solar eclipse is considered to be a warning from God and has at many times in history preceded dire judgments that fell shortly after. We just had a total solar eclipse across our country from the west coast all the way across to the east coast. PAY ATTENTION! * Right after the solar eclipse, came a huge hurricane that did tremendous damage to the US.

* Right after that comes another very powerful hurricane threatening an entire state of the US.

* At the same time Mexico, our southern neighbor, has had a powerful earthquake, waiting for updates on that.

* At the same time, unprecedented fires in Oregon, Montana and the entire West! And swarms of earthquakes in Idaho. * AND at the same time as all of this is happening, Israel bombs Syria.

It is of tremendous interest to me that the media pretty much ignored one of the greatest events concerning the “last days,” as Israel conducts a bombing mission in Syria, with all the repercussions that that provokes.

* September 21 is the Feast of Trumpets, which the Jews call “the feast of which no one knows the day or the hour.”

* September 23 will see an unprecedented sign in the constellations which many believe signal the beginning of the Tribulation. Although parts of this figure in the constellation take place every year, the way this one is configured has never happened in history, nor will afterwards, the pregnant woman clothed with the sun, the moon at her feet, and twelve stars around her head, crying out in labor pain.

* If you are a believer, take hope in our soon deliverance, because Jesus said that when you see all the signs taking place, look up, for it will be our time. * If you are not a believer, or if you are an uninformed believer, you have no idea the horror that is about to come upon the earth. Surrender your life to Jesus Christ, repent before him, and pray that you will be accounted as one who will escape the things coming upon the earth.

“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken…”

Luke 21:25-26

We are right now in the midst of every one of those things occurring. Right now! verse 36:

“WATCH therefore, and PRAY always

that you may be counted worthy TO ESCAPE

all these things that will come to pass,

and to stand before the Son of Man.”

5 hrs · Public

​Romy Robillos

Romy Robillos

“The Clay In The Potters Hand” (ISAIAH 64:8)

But now, O LORD, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.

: “The shaping process is hard and long. Trials come to shape us. Our Faith is stretched and tested. But in all the stretching, pulling and shaping His one design is to make us into a vessel He can use for His Glory.” –Jeff Syverson

​Steve Hammer

Steve Hammer

Corruptions —overcome Gradually.

“WHEN Sir Christopher Wren was engaged in

demolishing the ruins of old St. Paul’s in

order to make room for his new cathedral, he

used a battering-ram with which thirty men

continued to beat upon a part of the wall for

a whole day. The workmen, not discerning

any immediate effect, thought this a waste of

time; but Wren, who knew that the internal

motion thus communicated must be

operating, encouraged them to preserve. On

the second day, the wall began to tremble at

the top, and fell in a few hours. If our prayers

and repentances do not appear to overcome

our corruptions, we must continue still to use

these gracious battering-rams, for in due

time by faith in Jesus Christ the power of evil

shall be overthrown. Lord, enable me to give

hearty blows by the power of thy Holy Spirit

until the gates of hell in my soul shall be

made to totter and fall.”~Spurgeon

Rom 8:13 but if ye through the Spirit do

mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

Linda MacDonald