Oswald Chambers 

Destined To Be Holy
September 1, 2017
…it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” —1 Peter 1:16
We must continually remind ourselves of the purpose of life. We are not destined to happiness, nor to health, but to holiness. Today we have far too many desires and interests, and our lives are being consumed and wasted by them. Many of them may be right, noble, and good, and may later be fulfilled, but in the meantime God must cause their importance to us to decrease. The only thing that truly matters is whether a person will accept the God who will make him holy. At all costs, a person must have the right relationship with God.
Do I believe I need to be holy? Do I believe that God can come into me and make me holy? If through your preaching you convince me that I am unholy, I then resent your preaching. The preaching of the gospel awakens an intense resentment because it is designed to reveal my unholiness, but it also awakens an intense yearning and desire within me. God has only one intended destiny for mankind— holiness. His only goal is to produce saints. God is not some eternal blessing-machine for people to use, and He did not come to save us out of pity— He came to save us because He created us to be holy. Atonement through the Cross of Christ means that God can put me back into perfect oneness with Himself through the death of Jesus Christ, without a trace of anything coming between us any longer.
Never tolerate, because of sympathy for yourself or for others, any practice that is not in keeping with a holy God. Holiness means absolute purity of your walk before God, the words coming from your mouth, and every thought in your mind— placing every detail of your life under the scrutiny of God Himself. Holiness is not simply what God gives me, but what God has given me that is being exhibited in my life.
The truth is we have nothing to fear and nothing to overcome because He is all in all and we are more than conquerors through Him. The recognition of this truth is not flattering to the worker’s sense of heroics, but it is amazingly glorifying to the work of Christ.Approved Unto God, 4 R

​Streams in the Desert – September 1

Streams in the Desert – September 1
2017Sep 01
I will lay thy stones with fair colors (Isa. 54:11).
The stones from the wall said, “We come from the mountains far away, from the sides of the craggy hills. Fire and water have worked on us for ages, but made us only crags. Human hands have made us into a dwelling where the children of your immortal race are born, and suffer, and rejoice, and find rest and shelter, and learn the lessons set them by our Maker and yours. But we have passed through much to fit us for this. Gunpowder has rent our very heart; pickaxes have cleaved and broken us, it seemed to us often with out design or meaning, as we lay misshapen stones in the quarry; but gradually we were cut into blocks, and some of us were chiseled with finer instruments to a sharper edge. But we are complete now, and are in our places, and are of service.
“You are in the quarry still, and not complete, and therefore to you, as once to us, much is inexplicable. But you are destined for a higher building, and one day you will be placed in it by hands not human, a living stone in a heavenly temple.”
In the still air the music lies unheard;In the rough marble beauty hides unseen;

To make the music and the beauty needs

The master’s touch, the sculptor’s chisel keen.

Great Master, touch us with Thy skillful hands;

Let not the music that is in us die!

Great Sculptor, hew and polish us; nor let,

Hidden and lost, thy form within us lie!


The occult roots of chain letters and prayers: 

A Letter From Satan

Posted on January 6, 2012 by The Still Man

Grace and peace, Saints.

As you may recall, in our piece, Breaking

Generational Curses, we explain that email

chain letters are of the devil. They are

actually witchcraft. We explain how this

pagan practice has infiltrated the

Christian church in the form of email

chain letter blessings and prayers.

Before today, I hadn’t received one in

some time, because once you let people

know in no uncertain terms where you

stand on this practice, they tend to take

you off their email lists (as well as their

Christmas lists). So I had not seen one in

a while.

Well, lo and behold, today more than five

years after receiving my last such email, a

former colleague sent me one, which I

post here in its entirety for your

edification. If you receive such an email,

you need to let the sender know where

you stand on this practice, because it is of

the devil. State in no uncertain terms that

sending and forwarding chain letters is

witchcraft, and that you, as a Christian,

stand against witchcraft. If you don’t,

then you can count on receiving another.

Chain letters and lucky letters are

European medieval practices that involve

sending letters to multiple recipients

to bring good or bad luck. Each person

who curses or blesses the letter

supposedly increases its potency. Email

chain letters are merely a modern form of

the same practice. It has been

modernized, but it is still witchcraft.

Remember that anything that causes you

to take your eyes off Jesus is a sin, as

“whatsoever is not of faith is

sin” (Romans 14:23). So when you recite

a prayer that someone emailed you with

the instructions that you should forward it

to a certain number of people and then

back to the person who sent it to you, you

are practicing witchcraft.

The goal of witchcraft is to get you to sin

by trusting in something or someone

other than Jesus for a blessing and/or

attempting to manipulate the forces of

darkness to control events in your favor.

This is a no-no for the Christian.

Witchcraft is an abomination to God, and

is punishable by a generational curse.

Now, if you have a problem with this

because you don’t believe in generational

curses, or you believe they were part of

another dispensation, then you need not

read any further. Only if I were you, I

would formulate a backup plan.

Furthermore, it probably would not hurt

to invest in a quality pair of asbestos

underwear. You may need them.

Below is the text of the email chain letter

the former colleague sent me, followed by

my response:

“Hope all is well. When you have a

moment to yourself, read this, It was

difficult for me to decide who I thought

would DO this because many people claim

to pray, but not everyone does. I’m sure I

chose the right twelve.

“Please send this back to me ( You’ll see

why ). May everyone who received this

message be blessed. There are 12 months/

12 disciples/ 12 tribes of Israel / Jesus’

birth celebrated in the 12th month. There

is nothing attached. Just send this to

twelve others. Prayer is one of the best

free gifts we receive.

“There is no cost, just a lot of reward.

Make sure you pray, and pray believing

God will answer.”


May today be all you need it to be. May

the peace of God and the freshness of the

Holy Spirit restore your thoughts, rule in

your dreams tonight, and conquer all your

fears.. May God manifest himself today in

ways you have never experienced. May

your joys be fulfilled, your dreams be

closer, and your prayers be answered I

pray that faith enters a new height for

you; I pray that your territory is enlarged.

I pray for peace, healing, health,

happiness, prosperity, joy, true and

undying love for God. In Jesus Name,


“Now send this to 12 people within 5

minutes and remember to send this


“I count as 2 , you’ll see why .” [Brackets

mine, boldface mine, parentheses in the


This was my response:

Absolutely not. In the name of Jesus, I

renounce this abomination as another

tactic of Satan, who was a liar and a

murderer from the beginning. I send this

back to the sender with every ungodly

spirit attached to it bound by the blood of

Jesus. I break this infernal chain, sent by

the blind to the blind.

[Former Colleague], I am serving you

notice: never again send me anything like

this masquerading as Christianity. It is

witchcraft: an abomination in the eyes of

God. I have no part in the unfruitful works

of darkness, neither do I fellowship with

the ungodly. Commit this to memory.

You have my email address for

professional use only. My advice to you is

to use it as such, and not for nefarious


Don’t you ever do this again.

​God’s Full ArmourGLOBAL GRACE – September 2017

God’s Full Armour

GLOBAL GRACE – September 2017

Heaven Is Our Hope and Earth Israel’s Hope

1. There is a Difference Between Israel and the Church

Acts 15:14-17, “Simeon (Simon Peter) has described how God first concerned Himself about taking from among the Gentiles a people for His name [to honor Him and be identified with Him]. The words of the Prophets agree with this, just as it is written [in Scripture], ‘After these things I will return, and I will rebuild the tent of David which has fallen; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will restore it, so that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, and all the Gentiles upon whom My name has been invoked, says the Lord, Who has been making these things known from long ago.”

Christianity fits in in time after Israel was set aside and before they will be restored again. The church does not replace Israel. The many promises made to Israel for Israel are still to be fulfilled. The fallen house of David will be rebuilt and restored. God started a covenant with the nation of Israel 3500 years ago and He did not let go of what He had started.

For the last 2000 years, Israel has not counted as God’s nation. They are in exile and the gospel went out to the Gentiles. But Israel will be restored. And what is happening in Israel now is a very clear sign that the end of the dispensation of the church is in sight and that David’s fallen house will be restored.

The church is therefore not in Israel’s place. No promise made to Israel can be taken away from them and given to the church. The theology of some churches is based on the idea that believers are now Israel. Nothing can be further from the truth. Christianity is a new dispensation intended for all nations. We are now in the time of God’s favour toward the nations (2 Corinthians 6:2). The day of salvation for the nations is very close to its end. The process of restoring Israel is already far advanced and the last moment for the church on earth is at the door.



There is an urgent need for rescue and relief services on the Indian subcontinent as severe monsoon flooding spreads across India, Nepal and Bangladesh, leaving more than 1,200 people dead since the rains started.

Key points:

UN says 40 million people affected

Building collapses in Mumbai as city floods

Worst flooding in some parts of Bangladesh in nearly 30 years

Oxfam said its Bangladesh staff reported two-thirds of the country was under water and in some areas the flooding was the worst since 1988, creating an urgent demand for humanitarian supplies.

Widescale flooding in an arc stretching across the Himalayan foothills caused landslides and washed away tens of thousands of homes and vast swathes of farmland.

The UN said about 40 million had been affected.

Two toddlers were among 14 of the latest deaths as heavy rain destroyed homes and disrupted traffic in India’s financial capital, Mumbai.

Several villages in the east Indian state of Bihar are still inundated, with people living in makeshift shelters for days amid widespread heavy damage to farmland.

The deluge in Mumbai — nearly a month’s average rainfall in a single day — halted train services and led to flight cancellations.

A building collapse in the city left 12 people dead and at least 25 others trapped .

Forecasts of more heavy rains forced the Government to order schools and colleges to shut.

“Mumbai and adjoining areas are likely to get fairly widespread rainfall, which will be heavy in a few pockets,” KS Hosalikar, a senior India Metrological Department official, said.

Officials said train and air services were operating normally late on Wednesday in Mumbai, home to India’s two biggest stock exchanges and several major companies.

The deluge revived memories of 2005 floods that killed more than 500 people, the majority of them in shantytown slums where more than half of the city’s 20 million people live.

Unabated construction on floodplains and coastal areas, as well as stormwater drains and waterways clogged by garbage made the city increasingly vulnerable to storms.

Several companies made arrangements to provide food and rest areas for employees stuck in offices, while officials of temples and religious bodies offered help to those stranded on streets.

“Together, we can overcome any ordeal,” Mumbai Police tweeted.

“Thank you all for showing what humanity is in the face of adversity!”



​Rapture Watchers

Rapture Watchers

I know a lot of you are suffering!

I know the pain is real!

But stay in the word daily and continue to glorify the Lord your God (the enemy HATES that!)

1 Peter 5:8

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

2 Corinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6

And remember the promises made by our Lord.. This world is not your home.. We’ll be going home soon. Stand strong in the Lord and put on the full armor of God daily.

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also – John 14: 1-3

​Rapture Watchers

Rapture Watchers

The signs are all around us. There is no doubt that these are the times prophesied in the bible.

If you didn’t recognize this biblical truth, it’s time to wake up!

Jesus Christ is coming SOON are you ready?

We don’t know the day or hour but we clearly see the # SignsOfTheTimes NOW is the time to

# GiveYourLifeToChrist # TimeIsRunningOut

# JesusIsTheOnlyWay

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; – 1 Timothy 2:5

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

​Tom Kengere

Tom Kengere

Friends, sin never let anything loose from from God,but my choice does. We will be lost not because of what Adam did for the whole human race,for Christ the second Adam has done much more to humanity. Our present vile bodies with all its clamors to sin will not hold us back, for Christ has given us sufficient power to set us free. There is nothing that can ever hinder us from our eternal destiny if we are willing to.

​Steve Hammer

Steve Hammer

“The most mournful spectacle in the world is

a heart which refuses the mercy of God…I do

not know what adjective can be too strong to

describe human depravity when I perceive

that it refuses God under his loveliest

aspect…If men turn away from God in [His]

anger I can understand it; if men turn a side

from God in [His] justice, I can understand it.

But when

they so hate God that they will not even have

his salvation, when they refuse pardon

through the precious blood of Christ, when

they will sooner be damned than reconciled

to God, this shows that their heart is

desperately wicked. The cross rejected is the

clearest proof of the heart depraved.”

-Charles Spurgeon, Sermon: “The Wedding

was Furnished with Guests,” Matthew 22:10,

Metropolitan Tabernacle, May 6, 1888.

JoAnn N Alan